What is the structure for 1 butanamine?

What is the structure for 1 butanamine?


What is the chemical name for the compound 1 butanamine?


PubChem CID 8007
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Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula C4H11N or CH3(CH2)3NH2
Synonyms Butylamine N-BUTYLAMINE butan-1-amine 1-Butanamine 109-73-9 More…

Is N methyl 2 butanamine a secondary amine?

N-methylbutan-2-amine is a secondary aliphatic amine that is sec-butylamine substituted by a methyl group at the N atom. Metabolite observed in cancer metabolism. It has a role as a human metabolite.

What is the formula of SEC butylamine?


What is the common name for butanamine?

IUPAC 1-butanamine Ethanamine
Common n-butyl amine Ethylamine
Classification Primary (1o) Primary (1o)

What is the molecular weight of 1 butanamine?

73.14 g/mol
n-Butylamine/Molar mass

What is the molecular weight of 1-butanamine?

Is N methyl 2 butanamine a primary amine?

A secondary aliphatic amine that is sec-butylamine substituted by a methyl group at the N atom. Metabolite observed in cancer metabolism.

Is N Ethyl 1 Propanamine a secondary amine?

There are two ethyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom; the amine is secondary, its IUPAC name is N-ethylethanamine. The nitrogen atom has a methyl group and a propyl group, so the IUPAC name is N-methyl-1-propanamine, a secondary amine.

What is butylamine used for?

Uses. This compound is used as an ingredient in the manufacture of pesticides (such as thiocarbazides), pharmaceuticals, and emulsifiers. It is also a precursor for the manufacture of N,N′-dibutylthiourea, a rubber vulcanization accelerator, and n-butylbenzenesulfonamide, a plasticizer of nylon.

What is the name of c6h5ch2nh2?


PubChem CID 7504
Structure Find Similar Structures
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula C7H9N or C6H5CH2NH2
Synonyms BENZYLAMINE phenylmethanamine 100-46-9 Benzenemethanamine Monobenzylamine More…

Is butanamine primary or secondary?

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