Is Emmeryn playable?

Is Emmeryn playable?

Emmeryn is the older sister of Chrom and Lissa, and the Exalt of Ylisse. Emmeryn can be recruited via the paralogue P20 A Hard Miracle. Simply talk to her with Chrom (other characters can also talk to her, but Chrom is vital). If she survives the mission, she will join the party.

Can you save Emmeryn in Fire Emblem Awakening?

For this fight your goal is to save Emmeryn. Having some units that can move quickly through the sand will be very helpful. Your team will start in the top left corner of the map.

What Fire Emblem game is Tiki from?

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Voice Actors Tiki is a playable character hailing from the Archanea Series of Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem Awakening. Having debuted early in the series in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Tiki has since become one of the series’ mascots.

How old is Henry awakening?

Henry Age: 22 post Lucina’s birth. 13th November- I always saw him as being a year or two older than Olivia. Anna Age: 24 pre Lucina’s birth, 26 post birth.

Where is Owain’s brand of the Exalt?

The future past Owain originated in another timeline, where he was born to Lissa and an unidentified man at some point; unlike his mother, he developed the Brand of the Exalt on his upper arm, like Chrom’s, and he would later recall that Lissa was overjoyed at this since the Brand never appeared on her.

Who is Chrom’s Canon wife?

Two years after the end of the Ylisse-Plegia war, Chrom is married to either Olivia, Sully, Maribelle, Sumia, Robin or a nameless village maiden. He is also the father to a baby girl, Lucina.

Who is the Emmeryn in Fire Emblem Awakening?

Emmeryn is a character from Fire Emblem Awakening. She was the Exalt, or Queen, of Ylisse, the older sister of Chrom and Lissa, the aunt of Lucina and Owain, and Morgan ‘s potential mother if she marries Robin .

When did Emmeryn become the new exalt of Ylisse?

Roughly 15 years before the start of Awakening, after her father’s sudden death shortly before her tenth birthday, Emmeryn succeeded him and became the new Exalt of Ylisse. For much of her reign, she spent it being a diplomat for peace reaching far and wide around Ylisse.

Why did Emmeryn throw herself off the cliff?

Gangrel tells Chrom to give up the Fire Emblem or else Emmeryn will be killed. Knowing that Chrom will die if he tries to save her, and that the Emblem is far too important to give to Gangrel, Emmeryn smiles and willingly throws herself off the cliff, much to Chrom and Lissa’s horror, while Gangrel laughs at her apparent death.

What kind of ruler is Emmeryn in Game of Thrones?

Unlike her warmongering father, Emmeryn is a peace-loving, kind, and forgiving ruler. She detests fighting as much as possible, and always searches to settle matters peacefully, even against people who wish to kill her.

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