How was the spread of Buddhism and Christianity different?

How was the spread of Buddhism and Christianity different?

Both Buddhism and Christianity from their origins to the sixth century C. E. had similarities in that the diffusion was attributed through missionary work and conquest. Meanwhile, Christianity spread through the down fall of Rome and Buddhism spread by Ashoka who sent monks to share the teachings of the Buddha.

What did Buddhism and Christianity have in common?

What did Buddhism and Christianity have in common? They both started out as an effort to reform the religions from they which they had come, but soon emerged as separate religions. Christianity established a presence in Asia, but Buddhism did not take hold in Europe.

How did Buddhism diffusion?

Buddhism spread across Asia through networks of overland and maritime routes between India, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and China. Anonymous foreign monks who traveled between India and China along the silk routes were responsible for the transmission of Buddhism at sub-elite levels.

What type of diffusion is the spread of Buddhism?

Buddhism spread primarily through relocation diffusion by missionaries and was slow to diffuse outside the area of origin.

When did Buddhism and Christianity spread?

Compare the spread of Buddhism with the spread of Christianity from 8000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. The religion emerged in the early ears of the Roman Empire around 500 B.C.E. It was spread by Jesus and his disciples- 12 men who followed him in his teachings.

What explained the spread of both Buddhism and Christianity quizlet?

What explained the spread of both Buddhism and Christianity? Both were religions of monks, whose communities offered protection from the strife that surrounded them. The caliphs linked religious uprightness with territorial expansion and empire building. The Quran offered women which of the following protections?

Does Buddhism and Christianity conflict?

If you’re a Christian, follow that wholeheartedly, be the best Christian you can be.” The same principle applies to Buddhism, Porter said. But Lahey said he sees no conflicts and drew parallels between Christian prayer and meditation.

How do Christians explain Buddhism?

Compare the Buddhist principle of enlightenment to the Christian ideal of salvation. Unlike Christianity, which says that people will be saved through a correct belief and faith in God, Buddhism teaches that you reach enlightenment through a process of meditation, learning and understanding.

How did Buddhism diffuse AP Human Geography?

Diffusion of Buddhism: Diffused from India to Sri Lanka and to East and South East Asia as a result of missionary. Universalizing religions have sometimes replaced ethnic religions, such as Christianity replacing animism in Africa. In Asia, the two have merged such as Buddhism and Shintoism.

Why did Buddhism spread so fast?

Buddhism spread rapidly because its teachings were very simple and it was taught in the language of the people. The patronage of two great emperors — Ashoka and Kanishka — made it a world religion. Its opposition to the caste system made it popular among the castes that were considered low.

What is the diffusion of Christianity?

Diffusion of Universalizing Religions Followers of each religion migrated, preaching the message of the religions to people far beyond the hearth. Christianity spread through relocation diffusion by missionaries and hierarchical diffusion when the Roman Empire made Christianity its official Page 4 religion.

What kind of diffusion is Christianity?

Christianity. Christianity is a monotheistic universalizing religion spread throughout Europe mostly by Hierarchical and expansion diffusion. Through Relocation Diffusion it was brought to the new world. It is the largest Universalizing religion.

How is the diffusion of Buddhism and Christianity similar?

Diffusion of Buddhism and Christianity from their origins to 1450 share many similar traits such as a religious leader who later on helped to diffuse the religion, and that the religion was diffused by willing missionaries. Their diffusion differs in what they offered converts and in their locations.

How did Buddhism and Christianity spread during the classical period?

Diffusion of Christianity and Buddhism during the Classical Period. The spread of religion during the Classical Period for both Christianity and Buddhism was directly influenced by economic and social exchange, between various societies, through prosperous trade routes and political connections spawned from within individual civilizations.

What’s the difference between Buddhism and the Bible?

Fourth, Tripitaka is the main scripture in Buddhism while Holy Bible is the major scripture in Christianity. Fifth, Buddhists religious law is Dharma while the Christians religious law is canon law that is largely practiced by Catholics.

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