What is merged dimension in Bo?

What is merged dimension in Bo?

24 27 123,973. Merge Dimension. This is a feature in Web Intelligence which allows linking of two or more data providers( queries). Basically we merge objects from two or more queries in one webi report, so that we can use them in same block. Mandatory condition to merge objects is to have same data type.

What are merge dimensions?

Merge Dimensions allows you to join the two data sources based on objects with common values. Note that the objects do not need to have the same name, but must be the same type (character, date, number). You can also merge two variables, or merge a variable with another object.

What is Extend merged dimension values?

The “Extend merged dimension values” is designed to provide more flexibility in how Web Intelligence handles merged data. In Desktop Intelligence we have for years complained that there is no way to control the merge (join) process.

How do you merge cells in SAP BO?

To merge table cells

  1. In a Web Intelligence document in Design mode, to select the cells you want to merge, hold down the Control key and click the cells.
  2. Keep the Control key pressed, right-click the selected cells, and select Merge.

What is query stripping in SAP BO?

Query stripping is a feature that will remove unused (the objects which are not present in report structure) objects from a query automatically to improve performance and reduce the data contained in the microcube.

What is Dimension SAP BO?

Hi, A dimension object is the object being tracked; in other words, it can be considered the focus of the analysis. A dimension can be an object such as Service, Price, or Customer. Dimension objects retrieve the data that will provide the basis for analysis in a report.

What is combined query in Web Intelligence?

A combined query is a group of queries that work together to return a single result. Note You can only use the combined query feature with relational universes. You can combine queries in three relationships: union.

What is scope of analysis in WEBI?

The scope of analysis for a query is extra data that you can retrieve from the database that is available to offer more details on the results returned. In the universe, the scope of analysis corresponds to the hierarchical levels below the object selected for a query.

How do I merge two reports in WEBI?

When you combine both the queries in a single Webi report, objects from both the queries are shown in the list of available objects. Select the unique object from both the queries and click Ok as shown in the following screenshot. It will create a Merge Dimension under the list of available objects.

What is a dimension in Business Objects?

A dimension object is the object being tracked; in other words, it can be considered the focus of the analysis. A dimension can be an object such as Service, Price, or Customer.

How can I remove an object from a merged dimension?

To edit the name or source dimension of a merged dimension object, right-click the object and select Edit Properties from the menu. To remove an specific object from a merged dimension, right-click it under the Merged Dimension list and select Remove from merge. Click the object under Available Objects. CTRL + click the merged dimension object.

When does merge dimension work left or right?

Similarly if you don’t use merge id column and use emp id or cust id along with revenue and salary, that will work as Left or Right outer join and not as Full outer join. So this explains when merge dimension works as Full outer join and when it works as left or Right outer join.

How does merge dimensions work in Webi report?

Merge Dimensions in Webi. This is a feature in Web Intelligence which allows linking of two data providers(or 2 queries). Basically we merge objects from two or more queries in one webi report, so that we can use them in same block. Mandatory condition to merge objects is to have same data type.

When do dimension objects merge in bi Safari?

If you have two queries, from the same universe, that include the exact same dimension objects, those dimension objects will automatically merge. This is the only time when dimension objects automatically merge.

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