What is the climax of the Hunger Games book?

What is the climax of the Hunger Games book?

Climax: Cato, Katniss and Peeta find themselves being chased by vicious wolf like creatures. They run to the cornucopia and climb it to find safety from the beasts. Cato uses Peeta as a negotiating tactic to control the situation but Katniss shoots him in the hand causing him to fall down and get mauled.

What is the main conflict in the Hunger Games book 1?

The main conflict inThe Hunger Gamesis Man vs. Society. Katniss, who is picked to fight in the Hunger Games, wants to survive not because it is expected of her in society, but because she values her own life and wants to live and protect her family and friends.

What is the turning point in The Hunger Games?

The turning point, or climax of The Hunger Games happens after Rue, friend and ally from Distrcit 11 of Katniss, is killed by a Career tribute. Katniss had thought that Peeta had turned against her, but they find each other and team up in the arena.

What is the exposition of the movie The Hunger Games?

The exposition of “The Hunger Games” sets up the internal and external conflict right at the start of the story. Katniss and her family live in the poor District 12 in the futuristic world of Panem, and Katniss must break the law by hunting for food in the woods to feed her family lest they starve.

Where does Peeta take Katniss?

There’s an electrified field around it so tributes can’t jump off, and Peeta leads Katniss to a garden where wind chimes and the wind will cover their voices. Katniss says she and Gale were hunting in the woods one day when they saw a ragged-looking girl and boy running in terror.

What is Katniss fighting for?

This is how I “digested” the story: Katniss is a young girl whose love for her little sister (Primrose) is greater than anything else, she is willing to sacrifice herself in order to save the ones she loves.

How does The Hunger Games end?

The Hunger Games series officially ends where it all began, with Katniss and Peeta’s ending. Katniss returns to reunite with Peeta, who is starting to recover from his Capitol torture. Peeta has been asking Katniss what is real and what is not to uncloud his head from the manipulation he faced at the hands of Snow.

What is Katniss goal in The Hunger Games?

Katniss Everdeen is a character focused on surviving and her general goal is to try to survive life as unscathed as possible. She accepts reality and the world as it is, and is focused on the present. She does not make plans for the future and thinks it’s futile to try to change the world that exists.

What is the conclusion of The Hunger Games?

The conclusion of “The Hunger Games” is a grim, sad and overall frustrating tale. Katniss does not kill the main bad guy of the story, she does not end up with the love interest that people thought she would end up with, and, above all, there is no clear victory.

Who was the first boy Katniss kissed?

Peeta thanks Katniss for finding him and she says that he would have done the same. He talks about what Katniss should do if he doesn’t make it back. She’s worried that he might die, and to keep him from speaking of such things, she kisses him. It’s her first kiss.

What was the first book of The Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is the first book in the series and was released on September 14, 2008. The Hunger Games follows 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen , a girl from District 12 who volunteers for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her younger sister Primrose Everdeen.

What is summary of The Hunger Games series?

The Hunger Games Summary. The Hunger Games details the adventure of Katniss Everdeen , who is forced to engage in a fight-to-the-death tournament against other children. The novel takes place in Panem, a dystopic country built on what was once North America. In a world of limited resources, the despotic government run by…

What is Hunger Games about?

The Hunger Games is an annual event in which one boy and one girl (tributes) from each district must compete in a fight to the death. The Hunger Games are punishment for past attempts by the districts to rebel. The winning tribute is awarded, along with their district, with supplies, riches, and food.

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