What is a snapmare?

What is a snapmare?

The Snapmare is a professional wrestling move were the wrestler’s back to the opponent, he/she applies a three-quarter facelock (also known as a cravate), and either kneeling down or bending over pulls the opponent forward, flipping them over his/her shoulder down to the mat, back first.

What is a frankensteiner?

The Frankensteiner is a professional wrestling move. It was named by Scott Steiner who used it as a finishing move. Incredible PC game bundle, from $10.

What does the Crippler Crossface do?

This move is most commonly associated with Chris Benoit because the “Crippler Crossface” but many different wrestlers have utilized it over the years. The move can be used if you disable your opponents arm by locking it between your legs and then lock your arms across their face and apply as much pressure as possible.

What is a flapjack in wrestling?

Khali, went for a flapjack, a regulation move in wrestling parlance, where the opponent is strategically tossed up.

What is a dragon suplex?

A suplex is an offensive move used in amateur and professional wrestling. It is a throw that involves lifting the opponents and bridging or rolling to slam them on their backs.

What is a 450 in wrestling?

The 450 Splash is a professional wrestling move. With his opponent on his chest or back in ring, the attacking wrestler climbs to the top rope and, facing forward, somersaults off the top turnbuckle spinning 450 degrees in the air before landing on his opponent in splash position.

Is The Burning Hammer banned?

The Burning Hammer In the WWE, Tyler Reks used the move, but got into an altercation with John Cena who forced him to change the move, thus banning it. The Burning Hammer was revived by Brian Kendrick during the Cruiserweight Classic, as he used it on Kota Ibushi.

Does Kurt Angle ankle lock hurt?

It’s designed to put pressure on your opponent’s ankle and is without a doubt the most painful hold there is. If applied properly, on a scale of one to 10, it’s about a nine-and-a-half. In all seriousness, it’s a really dangerous hold and you have to be careful when you apply it.

Who has kicked out of the Claymore?

But in today’s time, McIntyre’s Claymore has become a highly-protected wrestling move. Only two wrestlers have kicked out of a Claymore since Drew’s return, Brock Lesnar and Goldberg, but even then he still defeated them.

What kind of moves do wrestlers use in the ring?

Professional wrestling holds include a number of set moves and pins used by performers to immobilize their opponents or lead to a submission. This article covers the various pins, stretches and transition holds used in the ring. Some wrestlers use these holds as their finishing maneuvers, often nicknaming them to reflect their character or persona.

What does arm drag mean in professional wrestling?

Arm drag A move in which the wrestler uses their opponent’s momentum to the opponent’s disadvantage. The wrestler hooks the opponent’s arm and flips them over on to the mat. The wrestler may roll on to their side to give the move extra momentum.

How does a wrestler do a chinlock in wrestling?

In this move, the wrestler holds the chin of the opponent (who is in a sitting position) while placing his knee against the opponent’s back. The wrestler then pulls the opponent’s chin to inflict pain on him. In this move, the wrestler sits on the back of his opponent and applies a chinlock on him.

Who is the African wrestler with the neck hold?

It is also called a Trapezius Claw due to the muscle group targeted. One variant may see the wrestler instead lock their hands on the opponent’s neck. It is the finishing hold of African wrestler Shaun Koen of the Africa Wrestling Alliance.

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