What is an initial side of an angle?

What is an initial side of an angle?

The ray in the initial position, before the rotation, is called the initial side of the angle. The ray in the terminal position, after the rotation, is called the terminal side of the angle.

What does initial side mean in trigonometry?

In trigonometry an angle is usually drawn in what is called the “standard position” as shown below. In this position, the vertex of the angle (B) is on the origin of the x and y axis. This is called the initial side of the angle. The other side of the angle is called the terminal side.

Where is the initial side?

The initial side is where the angle starts and the terminal side is the ray where the measurement of the angle stops, therefore the terminal side defines the angle and if the vertex is at the origin (0, 0) then the angle will be in Standard Position.

What is the definition of a terminal side?

: a straight line that has been rotated around a point on another line to form an angle measured in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction — compare initial side.

What does Initial mean in maths?

The initial value is the beginning output value, or the y-value when x = 0.

What is the rotating side of an angle?

An angle is formed by rotating a ray around its endpoint. The endpoint of the ray becomes the vertex of the angle. The starting position of the ray is called the initial side of the angle. The ending position is called the terminal side.

What does Initial mean in math?

The initial value is the beginning output value, or the y-value when x = 0. The rate of change is how fast the output changes relative to the input, or, on a graph, how fast y changes relative to x. You can use initial value and rate of change to figure out all kinds of information about functions.

What does Terminal mean in calculus?

Terminal side of an angle – trigonometry In this position, the vertex (B) of the angle is on the origin, with a fixed side lying at 3 o’clock along the positive x axis. The other side, called the ‘terminal side’ is the one that can be anywhere and defines the angle.

What does Terminal mean in trig?

What is initial arm and terminal arm?

If you are referring to an angle in standard position in a coordinate system, the initial arm is fixed along positive side of the horizontal axis. The terminal arm “sweeps” out a positive angle in the counter clockwise direction.

What quadrant is the terminal side of?

The terminal side is in Quadrant II. The original angle and the reference angle together form a straight line along the x-axis, so their sum is 180°.

What is standard position math?

: the position of an angle with its vertex at the origin of a rectangular-coordinate system and its initial side coinciding with the positive x-axis.

What is initial side in math?

Definition of initial side.: a stationary straight line that contains a point about which another straight line is rotated to form an angle-compare terminal side.

What is terminal side in math?

Definition of terminal side.: a straight line that has been rotated around a point on another line to form an angle measured in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction-compare initial side.

What is the definition of terminal side?

Definition of terminal side. : a straight line that has been rotated around a point on another line to form an angle measured in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction — compare initial side.

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