What is expanded bed reactor?

What is expanded bed reactor?

An expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor is a variant of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion (UASB) concept for anaerobic wastewater treatment. The distinguishing feature is that a faster rate of upward-flow velocity is designed for the wastewater passing through the sludge bed.

What does an ebullator do?

Ebullated bed reactors are a type of fluidized bed reactor that utilizes ebullition, or bubbling, to achieve appropriate distribution of reactants and catalysts. Ebullated bed reactors offer high-quality, continuous mixing of liquid and catalyst particles.

How does a fluidised bed reactor work?

Fluidized-bed reactors (FBR) are the most popular reactor configurations employed for reactions involving solid reactants. In the FBR, a fluidization medium (gas or liquid) is passed through the bed of solid reactants at high enough velocities to suspend the solid and cause it to behave like a fluid.

What are the benefits of having a fluidised bed reactor rather than a packed bed?

Fluidized-bed reactors offer a much higher efficiency in heat exchange, compared to fixed beds, and better temperature control, due to the turbulent gas flow and rapid circulation. At the same time, the high gas velocities do not cause any pressure drop issues and smaller catalyst particles can be employed.

What are packed bed reactors used for?

Packed bed reactors are very versatile and are used in many chemical processing applications such as absorption, distillation, stripping, separation processes, and catalytic reactions. Across the diverse applications in which they are used, the physical dimensions of the beds can vary greatly.

What is LC fining?

LC-FINING is CLG’s ebullating bed residue hydrocracking process, which provides high conversion of residues selectively to liquid products and high removal of metals, sulfur and CCR from difficult feedstocks. LC-FINING provides this superior performance with ease, safety and reliability at the best economics.

Where is fluidised bed used?

Fluidized beds are used for several purposes, such as fluidized bed reactors (types of chemical reactors), solids separation, fluid catalytic cracking, fluidized bed combustion, heat or mass transfer or interface modification, such as applying a coating onto solid items.

What is the most important factor to be considered for designing a fluidized bed reactor Mcq?

1. What is the most important factor to be considered for designing a fluidized bed reactor? Explanation: Because for other factors to workout, solids properties are initially considered. 2.

Is fluidized bed reactor the same as packed bed reactor?

The solid substrate material (the catalytic material upon which chemical species react) in the fluidized bed reactor is typically supported by a porous plate, known as a distributor. The fluid is then forced through the distributor up through the solid material. This is known as a packed bed reactor.

How much does a packed bed reactor cost?

This included defining the installed cost of a fluidized bed reactor to be $10,000 per square Page 22 16 meter of heat transfer surface. Based on this definition, the installed cost of the reactor is entirely dependent on the number of heat transfer tubes utilized.

Is packed bed reactor same as fixed bed reactor?

Packed bed reactors, also known as fixed bed reactors, are often used for catalytic processes. The experiment is designed to develop packed bed reactors for microgravity environments by studying fluid flow though porous media in microgravity.

What is fluidised bed incineration?

Fluidized bed incinerators are used both the industrial and sewage sludge incineration processes. The principle of fluidization is the process where a granular material in a solid state is turned into a fluid-like state by passing a fluid (liquid or gas) through it.

How are ebullated bed reactors used in Hydroconversion?

Ebullated bed reactors are used in the hydroconversion of heavy petroleum and petroleum fractions, particularly vacuum residuum. ^ a b cKressman; et al. “Improvements of Ebullated-Bed Technology for Upgrading Heavy Oils” (PDF).

What are the advantages of an ebullated reactor?

The advantages of a good back-mixed bed include excellent temperature control and, by reducing bed plugging and channeling, low and constant pressure drops. Therefore, ebullated bed reactors have the characteristics of stirred reactor type operation with a fluidized catalyst.

What kind of catalyst is used in an ebullated bed reactor?

The catalyst used for the ebullated bed is typically a 0.8-mm diameter extrudate, and is held in a fluidized state through the upward lift of liquid reactants and gas. The liquid and gas enter in the reactor plenum, and are distributed across the bed through a distributor and grid plate.

How is the height of the catalyst bed controlled?

The liquid and gas enter in the reactor plenum, and are distributed across the bed through a distributor and grid plate. The height of the ebullated catalyst bed can be controlled by the rate of liquid recycle flow.

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