What is Mudharabah Sukuk?

What is Mudharabah Sukuk?

Mudharabah sukuk is an equity-based sukuk structure where profits and losses are shared between the partners. Besides that, investment from a Shariah viewpoint does not allow a fixed return as well as the guaranteed principal amount at maturity to the investors.

How does Sukuk Mudharabah work?

The main principle in a Sukuk mudharabah is that, the investors are dormant business partners who do not participate in the management of the underlying asset, business or project. The party who utilises the funds on the other hand (the issuer), is the working partner. Losses suffered will be borne by the investor.

What is Ijarah Sukuk?

Ijarah Sukuk are certificates of equal value which are issued by the owner of an existing property or asset either on his own or through a financial intermediary, for the purpose of leasing it against a rental from the subscription proceeds. After subscription, the underlying becomes owned by the Sukuk holders.

What is sovereign Sukuk?

Malaysia’s maiden Sustainability Sukuk is the world’s first U.S. Dollar Sustainability Sukuk issued by a sovereign, whereby proceeds will be used for eligible social and green projects aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Agenda.

What are the advantages benefits of sukuk?

Sukuk can play an important part in the development of an Islamic market and banking system. The main advantage of sukuk is to comply with Sharia while boosting the standard of living in Islamic society and developing these societies’ economies.

Who can buy sukuk?


  • Individual customers with total net personal assets exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Three Million (RM3,000,000) or its equivalent in foreign currency.
  • Companies with total net assets exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Ten Million (RM10,000,000) or its equivalent in foreign currency, based on the last audited accounts.

Is sukuk a good investment?

Investing in sukuk is a good way to preserve your capital. Unlike equities, where prices can go up or down, the value of a sukuk will not change, unless you sell it on the secondary market (i.e. to other investors) for a different price. If you wait for the sukuk to mature, you will receive your principal investment.

Who can buy Sukuk?

What are types of Sukuk?

Sukuk can be divided into four several types based on the structure namely: asset-based Sukuk, asset-backed Sukuk , exchangeable Sukuk and hybrid Sukuk. Most of the outstanding Sukuk issuances are asset-based.

What is the difference between bonds and sukuk?

A sukuk is a sharia-compliant bond-like instruments used in Islamic finance. Sukuk involves a direct asset ownership interest, while bonds are indirect interest-bearing debt obligations.

Who is obligor in sukuk?

The obligor or lessee pays rentals to the SPV, as the SPV is the owner and lessor of the asset. 7. The SPV then make periodic distributions (rental and capital) to the Sukuk holders.

Why should we invest in sukuk?

Who is the owner of a Mudarabah Sukuk?

Mudarabah Sukuk are investment Sukuk that represent common ownership of units of equal value in the Mudarabah equity; the holders of Mudarabah Sukuk are the suppliers of capital (Rabb al-mal) and own shares in the Mudarabah equity and its returns according to the percentage of ownership share.

Can a sukuk be interposed on any Islamic financing structure?

Although it is possible to interpose a sukuk issuance onto any Islamic financing structure, historically, the most prevalent structures used in the sukuk space were Mudarabah, Musharakah, Murabahah and Ijarah, structures.

What does a sukuk contract in Malaysia mean?

Sukuk Mudharabah (profit-sharing) It is a certificate that represent projects or activities that are managed on the basis of a mudharabah (partnership based on trust) contract. There will be one party/partner called the mudarib who will manage the project.

What’s the difference between Mudharabah and sukuk in Malaysia?

It does not differ from the mudharabah sukuk except in the organization of the relationship between the party issuing such sukuk and holders of these sukuk, whereby the party issuing sukuk forms a committee from the holders of the Sukuk who can be referred to for investment decisions.

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