What area code is 0113 in the UK?

What area code is 0113 in the UK?

0113 is the area code for Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK.

What area code is 0777?

Origins of the 01777 Retford Area Code The area code was 0777.

How do you know if a number is a landline UK?

In the UK, most phone numbers beginning with 01 and 02 are landline or geographical phone numbers*. The area code at the start of the phone number will tell you where the landline is based.

Who is calling from number 0113?

0113 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 0113 is the area code for Leeds and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Leeds have this format : (0113) ### #### within the 4 digit geographical dialling code 0113 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

Is a 0113 number free?

The cost of calling an 0113 number is usually up to 13p a minute if you are calling from a landline, but can be up to 55p should you place the call from a mobile phone. There also might be what is known as a ‘Call Set Up Fee’, which usually rangesfrom between 15p – 20p.

What are 07770 numbers?

07770 numbers are officially allocated to Vodafone for mobile phone services. All 07770 numbers will have originally been issued to customers by Vodafone.

Who called me 01777854618?

Caller identification ⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01777854618 that called you is a government fund scam! At the moment we are unable to verify that this number is genuine and truly belongs to a government agency.

How can I check a landline number?

To check your landline number, dial 199000 and an automated voice will call your telephone number back to you.

What is the code for UK landline?

To dial the UK, you’ll use the international country code: +44.

How to find someone with the phone code 07770?

If you want to find someone with the phone code 07770 then look it up on our listings and find the number you have been searching for. We have a comprehensive listings for every UK mobile code so we can help you to stay in touch with people.

Which is the dialling code for a city?

The areas are generally cities and large towns, rather than local government areas. The codes all start with 01 or 02 – phone numbers that start with anything else are not linked to an area. dialling codes for postcodes. To find out the costs of calling these and other numbers, see our call costs guide.

What was the emergency number in Glasgow in the 1970s?

0996 was Wilmslow (WW6) – numbers were transferred to 0625 The code 0999 was used for dialling by PO operators only to mobile relief exchanges in the Glasgow area in the 1970s. This code is now unused, and this may simply be because previously it was 0999 and the emergency telephone number is 999.

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