What do you need to know about thief in FFXI?

What do you need to know about thief in FFXI?

Thief is a non-buff support damage dealer in FFXI. It will largely be played as a damage dealer and specifically a skillchain closer as they have some of the strongest WS’s in the damage. Thief also is capable of planting hate on a player of their choosing. As well as stealing hate from other players; to help maintain control of battle.

When to use Zantetsuken X in Odin Prime?

Zantetsuken X is used at <50% HP and will K.O. any players with a defense a certain amount below Odin Prime’s attack. Dispelling the attack boost from Yggr and Endark, using Bio and Attack Down, and boosting defense will all increase survivability.

What kind of attack does a thief use?

Specializing in covert actions, Thieves (THF) aim for the perfect opportunity to attack the enemy. Using Sneak Attack and Trick Attack, thieves can inflict massive amounts of damage while ‘tricking’ the enemy into thinking it was someone else.

What are the abilities of a thief in Minecraft?

Using Sneak Attack and Trick Attack, thieves can inflict massive amounts of damage while ‘tricking’ the enemy into thinking it was someone else. Thieves also have the ability to steal amounts of enmity from players in their party with the abilities Accomplice and Collaborator.

What do two hour abilities do in FFXI?

Two-Hour Abilities are job-specific active abilities with a cool down timer of two hours. These are often incredibly powerful abilities, but often have adverse effects as well such as depleting an MP pool or dealing physical damage to the player. Allows you to dodge all melee attacks.

Which is the best thief subjob in Final Fantasy XI?

Since Combo, a low level weapon skill can be combined with Sneak Attack, this is one of the highest damage subjobs to use up to level 33. The Monk’s high HP as a subjob will also help some of the moderate Thief defense. Ranger is an uncommon subjob choice, but viable for a couple of different circumstances.

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