What are the exceptions in PL SQL?

What are the exceptions in PL SQL?

PL/SQL Pre-defined Exceptions

Exception Oracle Error SQL Code
NO_DATA_FOUND 01403 +100
NOT_LOGGED_ON 01012 -1012
PROGRAM_ERROR 06501 -6501

How many types of exceptions are there in PL SQL?

Exception types There are three types of exceptions: Predefined exceptions are error conditions that are defined by PL/SQL. Non-predefined exceptions include any standard TimesTen errors. User-defined exceptions are exceptions specific to your application.

What is the syntax of exception handling in PL SQL?

The EXCEPTION section contains handlers for the three exceptions: exception1 is not associated with an sqlcode or sqlstate . exception2 is associated with sqlcode -942 (Undefined name)….Syntax.

Exception name Description
OTHERS For any exception that has not been caught by a prior condition in the exception section.

What are exceptions in PL SQL runtime or compile time?

Exceptions – PL/SQL Run time Errors: In PL/SQL, an error condition is called an exception. Exceptions can be internally defined (by the runtime system) or user defined. Examples of internally defined exceptions include division by zero and out of memory .

How many exceptions are there in PL SQL Mcq?

Types of Exception There are two types of Exceptions in Pl/SQL.

What are the two types of exceptions in PL SQL?

PL/SQL – Exceptions

  • System-defined exceptions.
  • User-defined exceptions.

How do we invoke exception explicitly in Plsql?

PL/SQL Raise Exception. All the predefined exceptions are raised implicitly whenever the error occurs. But the user-defined exceptions needs to be raised explicitly. This can be achieved using the keyword ‘RAISE’.

What are the non predefined exceptions?

Non-predefined exceptions are similar to predefined exceptions, except they do not have predefined names. They do have a standard Oracle error number (ORA-#####) and error message. EXCEPTION_INIT function. You can trap a non-predefined Oracle server error by declaring it first.

How many types of exception are there in SQL answer?

How many types of exception are there in SQL * 1 point?

There are two types of System defined exceptions – Named System exceptions and Un-named System exceptions. Named System exceptions – These are the predefined exceptions created by the SQL to handle the known types of errors in the code.

What are non predefined exceptions in PL SQL?

What are non predefined exceptions?

What is exception handling in PL SQL?

Exception Handling in PL/SQL. An exception is an error which disrupts the normal flow of program instructions. PL/SQL provides us the exception block which raises the exception thus helping the programmer to find out the fault and resolve it. User defined exception.

How to raise exception in PL/SQL?

Raise Exception In PL/SQL. An exception can be raised by the developers explicitly with the help of the keyword RAISE. The syntax for exception raising: DECLARE exception_n EXCEPTION; BEGIN IF condition THEN RAISE exception_n; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN exception_n THEN << exception handling code >>; END;

How does PL/SQL exceptions propagate?

How PL/SQL Exceptions Propagate. When an exception is raised, if PL/SQL cannot find a handler for it in the current block or subprogram, the exception propagates. That is, the exception reproduces itself in successive enclosing blocks until a handler is found or there are no more blocks to search.

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