What is a Smaragdina guitar?

What is a Smaragdina guitar?

Betta smaragdina is a species of wild betta in the Betta splendens complex. It’s one of the species that was used to make the bettas we know today. “Guitar” is a reference to a variation, more or less.

What is a guitar betta?

A very beautiful betta with a variation of blue and red on it’s body and fins. Compared to the regular Smaragdina, these would have black bars on the caudal and dorsal fins instead of dots. This is U.S line bred Wild Betta Smaragdina Guitar. These fishes were bred by us and selected for body shape and coloration.

How long do betta Smaragdina live?

3 to 5 years
Betta Smaragdina have an average lifespan of 3 to 5 years in captivity if properly cared for. They reach a max size of up to 1.75 to 2 inches.

Are Betta Smaragdina peaceful?

Betta smaragdina has the synonyms ’emerald fighting fish’ and ‘peaceful Betta’. The fish can be a very combative species. Kept under good conditions this Betta actually keeps his color quite well in the aquarium. The water conditions are not that critical, but should be kept clean and well aerated.

Are Betta Smaragdina aggressive?

Although Betta splendens is best known for its hybridisation and selective breeding, Betta smaragdina has been selectively bred mostly for aggression and many strains have been developed.

Can Betta Smaragdina live together?

Betta smaragdina can be housed in pairs, species tanks, and community tanks. Pairs can be housed in a 10 gallon tank, groups should be housed in a 30 gallon tank or larger. Pairs should be given cover such as caves and plants.

Are Bettas peaceful?

With this sense of purpose and lack in aggressive behavior, it is no wonder that they are known as the peaceful Betta. Though they do not get as much attention as the Siamese fighting fish, maybe one day the peaceful Betta will be recognized for all that they are and not be overshadowed by its cousin!

What is the rarest betta fish?

Rarest Types of Betta Fish The rarest type of Betta that I could find is the so-called fantail variety. This fish has two caudal fins that are side by side but fused at a small point at the top, making it look similar to a fantail goldfish.

What is the calmest type of Betta?

That’s right, B. splendens has a chill cousin! Introducing the well-mannered Betta imbellis. This “peaceful Betta” is sometimes referred to as a “crescent Betta” as their rounded caudal fin is outlined with red, making it appear as a crescent shape.

Are there any variations on the Betta smaragdina?

There are two well known variations on the classic Betta smaragdina. Betta smaragdina sp. guitar is a naturally formed and subspecies and lives only in the far north eastern part of Thailand. What makes them differ from the normal smaragdina are their guitar like markings on the dorsal and caudal fin.

What kind of pattern does a smaragdina guitar have?

Smaragdina guitars all have web-like patterns between their caudal lines whilst normal Smaragdinas will either have dots in between or in some cases have a few unfinished lines but not very consistent like their cousins.

How much does a Franks Betta guitar cost?

My hybrid bloodlines are my own and unique to franks Bettas. Price Range: $50 – 100 USD Per Pair Depending On Grade. Price Range: $50 – 100 USD Per Pair Depending On Grade. Price Range: $50 – 100 USD Per Pair Depending On Grade. The easiest way to differentiate between normal betta Smaragdina and betta Smaragdina guitars?

How big of a tank do you need for a Betta smaragdina?

Betta smaragdina is a rather easy to care for fish, but some preparation is required if you want to make sure you can get your fish a healthy and happy life. For a single male, a tank between 4 and 10 gallon is fine. Having a tank too big could result in the male not feeling safe.

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