What date was Palm Sunday in 1988?

What date was Palm Sunday in 1988?

Moveable Feasts Related to Easter

Date Holiday name
Sunday, March 27, 1988 Palm Sunday
Thursday, March 31, 1988 Maundy Thursday
Friday, April 1, 1988 Good Friday
Sunday, April 3, 1988 Easter

What date was Maundy Thursday 1990?

Maundy Thursday Day Date List :

Year : Date : Weekday :
1989 March 23, 1989 Thursday
1990 April 12, 1990 Thursday
1991 March 28, 1991 Thursday
1992 April 16, 1992 Thursday

When was Maundy Thursday 1997?

27 The Last Supper by Fritz von Uhde (1886).

What date was Holy Thursday 1967?

Catholic Holidays 1967

Sun, January 01, 1967 Mary, Mother of God
Sun, March 19, 1967 Palm Sunday
Thu, March 23, 1967 Holy Thursday
Fri, March 24, 1967 Good Friday
Sat, March 25, 1967 Holy Saturday

What date was Easter Monday in 1988?

Holidays 1988

Date Holiday Day
1 April 1988 April Fools’ Day Friday
1 April 1988 Good Friday Friday
3 April 1988 Easter Sunday
4 April 1988 Easter Monday Monday

What was Easter 1988?

Easter Sunday upcoming years:

Year Date
1988 April 3 Easter Sunday
1989 March 26 Easter Sunday
1990 April 15 Easter Sunday
1991 March 31 Easter Sunday

What day was Christmas Day 1992?

Christmas Day upcoming years:

Year Date week
1992 December 25 52
1993 December 25 51
1994 December 25 51
1995 December 25 52

When was August Bank Holiday 1990?

Holidays 1990

Date Holiday Day
3 June 1990 Whit Sunday Sunday
4 June 1990 Whit Monday Monday
17 June 1990 Father’s Day Sunday
27 August 1990 Summer Bank Holiday Monday

When was Easter Sunday in 1966?

1966 Holidays

Date Holiday Day
April 8, 1966 Good Friday Friday
April 10, 1966 Easter Sunday
April 11, 1966 Easter Monday Monday
April 22, 1966 Earth Day Friday

What date did Easter fall in 1967?

Catholic Easter Sunday in 1967 was on Sunday, March 26th.

What day was Easter 1987?

1987 Holidays

Date Holiday Day
April 17, 1987 Good Friday Friday
April 19, 1987 Easter Sunday
April 20, 1987 Easter Monday Monday
April 22, 1987 Earth Day Wednesday

What date was Easter in 1989?

Easter Sunday upcoming years:

Year Date
1989 March 26 Easter Sunday
1990 April 15 Easter Sunday
1991 March 31 Easter Sunday
1992 April 19 Easter Sunday

Where does the celebration of Maundy Thursday come from?

The celebration of Maundy Thursday goes back at least to the fourth century, when pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem are known to have marked the Last Supper and other events of passion week with special services at holy sites.

What should be the watchword for Maundy Thursday?

Whatever the specific means employed in celebrating the Maundy Thursday service, the watchword should be simplicity— a simplicity of celebration that respects, and so enhances, the intrinsic power and richness of the great event we are privileged to commemorate.

Why is Maundy Thursday important to the Reformed Church?

For many churches in the Reformed tradition, Maundy Thursday services, like the one described above, may be a fairly recent innovation. We’ve always celebrated Easter together. And most of our churches and communities have gathered to remember Christ’s death on Good Friday.

Why do we do footwashing on Maundy Thursday?

In many churches footwashing continues to be a Maundy Thursday institution. As an expressive response to the Word and to Christ’s call for mutual charity, this ceremony has both historical precedent and the enthusiasm of some liturgical experts to commend it. Worship planners should not, however, consider this ritual a necessity.


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