What is a DbContext class?

What is a DbContext class?

A DbContext instance represents a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns such that it can be used to query from a database and group together changes that will then be written back to the store as a unit. DbContext is conceptually similar to ObjectContext.

Should I reuse DbContext?

While it can be fine to re-use a DbContext across multiple business transactions, its lifetime should still be kept short. Using an instance-per-web-request lifetime for your DbContext in web apps will usually be fine as a web request is short-lived by nature.

What is DbContext and ObjectContext?

Definition. DBContext is a wrapper of ObjectContext that exposes the most commonly used features of ObjectContext. In contrast, Object Context is a class of the core Entity framework API that allows performing queries and tracking the updates made to a database using strongly typed entity classes.

What is DbContext in EF?

DbContext is an important class in Entity Framework API. It is a bridge between your domain or entity classes and the database. DbContext is the primary class that is responsible for interacting with the database. Querying: Converts LINQ-to-Entities queries to SQL query and sends them to the database.

What is application DbContext?

Answer. DbContext is an important class in Entity Framework API. It is a bridge between your domain or entity classes and the database. The primary class that is responsible for interacting with data as objects DbContext.

Is creating DbContext expensive?

The first time a DbContext is created is pretty expensive but once this has been done a lot of the information is cached so that subsequent instantiations are a lot quicker. Some people prefer to use a dependency injection framework to pass a concrete instance of their context to their controller when it is created.

Do I need to dispose DbContext?

Don’t dispose DbContext objects. Although the DbContext implements IDisposable , you shouldn’t manually dispose it, nor should you wrap it in a using statement. DbContext manages its own lifetime; when your data access request is completed, DbContext will automatically close the database connection for you.

Is DbContext scoped?

The AddDbContext extension method registers DbContext types with a scoped lifetime by default.

Which is better ObjectContext or dbcontext in Entity Framework?

DbContext is useful in Model First, Database First approach as well as Code First approach. ObjectContext can be used by Entity Framework 4.0 and below. DBContext can be used by Entity Framework 4.1 and above. The ObjectContext class is not thread-safe. Any public static (C#) or Shared (Visual Basic) members of DbContext are thread-safe.

What’s the difference between obejctcontext and ObjectContext?

ObjectContext is a class that is used to manage database operations such as database connection and management of different entities of the Entity model. In other words, ObejctContext is the basis or primary class that allows accessing and working with entities defined in the conceptual model.

Is the ObjectContext class Thread safe in C #?

The ObjectContext class is not thread-safe. Any public static (C#) or Shared (Visual Basic) members of DbContext are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

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