How do you smooth a polygon in c4d?

How do you smooth a polygon in c4d?

You either place a “Smoothing” deformer as child to your object or you use the Mesh > Transform Tools > Brush tool in “Smooth” Mode and paint over previously selected points or polygons to even them out in size and direction.

What is Nurb modeling?

Non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS) is a mathematical model using basis splines (B-splines) that is commonly used in computer graphics for representing curves and surfaces. They can be efficiently handled by computer programs yet allow for easy human interaction.

What is a spline object?

A spline is a geometric object that represents a 1 dimensional object (a line) where the path of the line is dependant on a set of ordered vertices. In 3DS Max, splines are contained in primitive objects called shapes.

What is spline Modelling used for?

Spline modeling is used primarily for the creation of hard objects, like cars, buildings, and furniture. Splines are extremely useful when creating these objects, which may be a combination of angular and curved shapes.

How to create a spline in Cinema 4D?

So in this case, you can create a spline inside Cinema 4D, or import one from Adobe Illustrator. You can then position the spline so that it’s roughly aligned to your surface. You’ll then want to adjust the camera so that it is aligned as well, as the cut that is made is going to be projected along the camera view.

Can you use line cut tool in Cinema 4D?

The line cut tool also allows you to use any spline in Cinema 4D as a guide for the cuts that you’d like to make. So in this case, you can create a spline inside Cinema 4D, or import one from Adobe Illustrator. You can then position the spline so that it’s roughly aligned to your surface.

How to model flat in Cinema 4D studio?

If you have the Studio version of Cinema 4D, just parent the geo to a cloth surface for a non-destructive & animatable extrusion. Model flat then extrude, bend or whatever later. 3. Bevel Everything

How do you select Polys in Cinema 4D?

Make looped edge selections around what you want to poly select, then switch to fill selection and hover over each isolated area to select the polys. Another way to select sections of your model is thru the phong break selection tool.

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