How long do nixie tube clocks last?

How long do nixie tube clocks last?

Average longevity of Nixie tubes varied from about 5,000 hours for the earliest types, to as high as 200,000 hours or more for some of the last types to be introduced.

Why are nixie tube clocks so expensive?

The reason is that nobody is making nixie tubes on a commercial basis nowadays. Today, nixie tube clocks are still available but rare. People who make them usually use Soviet military stocks. As old tubes get used up, they also become more expensive.

Do nixie tubes use a lot of power?

Although the voltage is high, the amount of current flowing is very small, so the clocks do not use much power. They only consume about 3 to 4 Watts of power, and consequently generate almost no heat. The tubes are not hot or even warm to the touch.

Are nixie tube clocks safe?

Yes, it is safe to power nixie tubes all the time, the power consumption is below 1W per tube, they stay at room temperature. Our clocks are powered from power adaptor which is able to deliver only 24W, in case of short-circuit of any kind in the clock/tube, the power adaptor cuts off the power.

Why did they stop making Nixie tubes?

In the 1970s, Nixies were eclipsed by LEDs, which were not only much cheaper to make and use but also more versatile. The tubes might have died the lonely death of countless other obsolete devices—and yet they did not. Some Nixies lingered on in legacy equipment, of course.

What is nixie tube poisoning?

Nixie tubes tend to develop a phenomenon called “cathode poisoning” on digits that are no in regular use. To make sure the digits in your clock stays in good condition, all of them needs to be exercised regularly. This is done by running a “cathode poisoning prevention routine” regularly.

Do they still make Nixie tubes?

The last nixie tube was made in the early 90s, when this beautiful technology was replaced by lower-cost alternatives. But production has now resumed in the Czech Republic.

Are Nixie tubes efficient?

Efficiency ranges from around 65% for 3.7V in, up to around 80% for 5V and 12V.

What is Nixie tube poisoning?

Are Nixie tubes poisonous?

For the iN-4 Nixie tubes, the 0,4,3, and 9 are susceptible to cathode poisoning if the digits are displayed even the same amount. In this case, it is important to adjust the display time to offset this nonsymmetrical behavior. This is done during a burn-in procedure each evening.

Are Nixie tubes interchangeable?

Built-in battery socket for proper time backup during power interruptions. The Vintage Nixie Clock was designed to work below its operation point to ensure the tubes last longer for you. Easily replaceable Nixie tubes, they are not soldered to the PCB!

Can you buy new Nixie tubes?

Unfortunately, nobody actually manufacturers new Nixie tubes anymore, and everything you can buy is simply old stock from decades ago — stock that’s going to run out. Every ZIN18 Nixie tube will be freshly-manufactured, making it the only real option if you want a brand new Nixie tube.

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