What is dejerine Roussy syndrome?

What is dejerine Roussy syndrome?

Central post-stroke pain, also known as Dejerine Roussy syndrome or thalamic pain syndrome, is a rare central neuropathic pain syndrome occurs after infarction of the ventroposterolateral thalamus.

What is a thalamic infarct?

Thalamic infarcts refer to ischemic strokes which affect the subcortical grey matter complex of nuclei known as the thalamus.

What is contralateral thalamic syndrome?

Following a thalamic stroke, the patient may begin to experience numbness or tingling on the contralateral side of their injury. The pain is typically the entire contralateral half of the patient’s body. [27] Over time, they may begin to report a burning sensation.

What is the cause of thalamic syndrome?

Dejerine–Roussy syndrome or thalamic pain syndrome is a condition developed after a thalamic stroke, a stroke causing damage to the thalamus. Ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes can cause lesioning in the thalamus….

Dejerine–Roussy syndrome
Other names Thalamic pain syndrome
Specialty Neurology

What is considered a centrally mediated pain syndrome?

Central pain syndrome is a neurological condition caused by damage to or dysfunction of the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord. This syndrome can be caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, tumors, epilepsy, brain or spinal cord trauma, or Parkinson’s disease.

What causes locked in syndrome?

Locked-in syndrome may be caused by brain stem stroke, traumatic brain injury, tumors , diseases of the circulatory system (bleeding), diseases that destroy the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells (like multiple sclerosis), infection, or medication overdose.

Is thalamic stroke serious?

Thalamic strokes fall under the category of subcortical strokes, which affect the deeper brain regions beneath the cerebral cortex, as opposed to the outer cortical region. When a stroke occurs, it is a medical emergency as brain cells begin to die within minutes of losing blood supply.

Can the thalamus be repaired?

Recovering from Damage to the Thalamus Fortunately, you can treat both of these issues by rewiring your brain. Because the thalamus has so many different roles though, every injury is different. Therefore, it’s crucial to work with your doctors to find the treatments that best fit your unique needs.

What type of stroke is a thalamic stroke?

A thalamic stroke is a type of lacunar stroke, which refers to a stroke in a deep part of your brain. Thalamic strokes occur in your thalamus, a small but important part of your brain.

What is the difference between Hyperpathia and allodynia?

Hyperpathia is a clinical symptom of certain neurological disorders wherein nociceptive stimuli evoke exaggerated levels of pain. This should not be confused with allodynia, where normally non-painful stimuli evoke pain.

How can I improve my thalamus?

The following are some treatments that can help you overcome the effects of damage to the thalamus:

  1. Physical Therapy.
  2. Sensory Reeducation Exercises.
  3. Speech and Cognitive Therapy.
  4. Deep Brain Stimulation.

What is the code for central pain syndrome?

Code 338.0 describes central pain syndrome; 338.4, Chronic pain syndrome; and 338.29, Other chronic pain. These conditions are different, and code assignments are based upon physician documentation. Central pain syndrome is a neurological condition that can be caused by damage to the central nervous system.

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