What is gougeres English?

What is gougères English?

cream puff dough
Known in English as “cream puff dough,” gougères are cheese puffs made by folding cheese into the dough, then baking them in little rounds. You can vary the flavor by deciding what type of cheese that you’d like to use.

What are gougères made of?

choux dough
A gougère (pronounced [ɡuʒɛʁ]), in French cuisine, is a baked savory choux pastry made of choux dough mixed with cheese. There are many variants. The cheese is commonly grated Gruyère, Comté, or Emmentaler, but there are many variants using other cheeses or other ingredients.

What is Gruyere cheese similar to?

You can substitute Emmental, Jarlsberg, or Raclette cheese for Gruyère in quiche. Any of these Swiss cheeses will be ideal, as they give off very similar flavor profiles to Gruyère.

Where is Gougere from?

Gougeres are said to come from Burgundy, in France, and they consist of pâte à choux, or choux pastry (which is the dough used for several French pastries, like éclairs) filled with Gruyère, Comté or Emmentaler cheese.

Who invented Gougeres?

Originally from Burgundy, these puffs were invented in the 17th century in a patisserie called ‘Le ramequin de Bourgogne’.

What does Livre mean French?

1 : an old French monetary unit equal to 20 sols. 2 : a coin representing one livre. 3 : the pound of Lebanon and Sudan.

What kind of cheese does gougere come from?

There are many variants. The cheese is commonly grated Gruyère, Comté, or Emmentaler, but there are many variants using other cheeses or other ingredients. Gougères are said to come from Burgundy, particularly the town of Tonnerre in the Yonne department.

Which is the correct spelling gougere or goyere?

The word gougère was formerly spelled gouiere, gouyere, goïère, goyère, or gouyère. The modern spelling appears to date from the 18th century.

What foods are used to make gougere in Burgundy?

Sometimes they are filled with ingredients such as mushrooms, beef, or ham; in this case the gougère is usually made using a ring or pie tin. In Burgundy, they are generally served cold when tasting wine in cellars, but are also served warm as an appetizer. This sweet, delicate dish is best for special celebrations, such as parties.

How long do you bake a gougere in the oven?

‘Bake in a preheated oven (200 ¼ C / 400 ¼ F / gas mark 6) for 30 minutes or until the gougères have puffed up and are golden brown all over.’ ‘But we forgot all about it when a stack of gougères filled with melted Gruyère and smoked ham arrived, followed by a gourmet pulled-pork tortilla spiked with cumin and black-eyed peas.’

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