What is the famous line in Taxi Driver?

What is the famous line in Taxi Driver?

Travis Bickle: My life has taking another turn again. The days move along with regularity, one day indistinguishable from the next, a long continuous chain, Then suddenly, there is a change. Travis Bickle: Someday a rain will come and wipe this scum off the streets. Sport: Well, take it or leave it.

What is the central message of taxi driver?

The themes of loneliness and alienation in this film come directly from the writer’s own experiences. When writing the film, Schrader was homeless and depressed. He has said that he wrote the script to reflect his feelings and experiences of trying to survive alone in the city.

Which catch phrase is from the movie Taxi Driver?

“You talking to me?”- Robert De Niro is heard saying this phrase in the 1976 film Taxi Driver.

What is the famous line from Scarface?

Tony Montana: (To Sosa, then shortly later on to Frank) “The only thing I got in this world is my balls and my word and I don’t break ’em for nobody.” Tony Montana: The only thing I got in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don’t break ’em for nobody.

What does the ending of Taxi Driver mean?

Travis dies from his wounds in Taxi Driver after the police arrive; a moment that’s foreshadowed earlier when he suggests that Betsy will “die in a hell like the rest of ’em.” The irony is that Travis becomes one of the pack, a dead criminal who believed that his actions served a higher purpose.

Are taxi drivers lonely?

Taxi Driver is an extended close-up of Travis Bickle, its protagonist, and our proximity to him reveals his loneliness.

Is Travis Bickle lonely?

In the first, Travis knows he is lonely but strives to fit into society, while here he fashions himself as a chosen person, a man who has been predestined to be lonely as part of a special assignment from God.

What color were Iris glasses at the diner when she was having breakfast with Travis?

See: Jodie Foster as Iris in Taxi Driver. She wore oversize 70’s round green-lens frames at the diner with Travis.

What are some quotes from the movie Taxi Driver?

Listen, uh, I’m, I’m sorry about the, the other night. I didn’t know that was the way you felt about it. Well, I-I didn’t know that was the way you felt. I-I-I would have taken ya somewhere else.

What did Travis say to Betsy in taxi driver?

12 “One Of These Days, I’m Gonna Get Organezized.” When Travis takes Betsy out for a piece of pie, he tells her, “I should get one of those signs that says, ‘One of these days, I’m gonna get organezized.’” At first, Betsy doesn’t get it, so Travis explains that it’s a joke and she says, “Oh, you mean ‘organezized.’

Who was Robert De Niro’s character in taxi driver?

Robert De Niro, as the tortured, ex-Marine cab driver Travis Bickle, made movie history with his chilling performance as one of the most memorably intense and vividly realized characters ever committed to film. Bickle is a self-appointed vigilante who views his urban beat as an intolerable cesspool of blighted humanity.

Who was the first pimp to die in taxi driver?

Travis’ first victim in the final shootout is Sport, the pimp played by Harvey Keitel. After Sport flicks out a cigarette on Travis, Travis pulls out a gun and says, “Suck on this!,” before shooting Sport in the chest and taking a seat on the front steps of his brothel.

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