How do you use mendacious in a sentence?

How do you use mendacious in a sentence?

Mendacious in a Sentence 🔉

  1. A product claiming to help you get ripped abs in a few hours is mendacious advertising.
  2. Instead of giving me another mendacious story, just be honest for once.
  3. Never forget the mendacious politician will say anything to get your vote, then his promises disappear like tears in the rain.

Who is a mendacious person?

telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: a mendacious person.

What is a mendacious statement?

A mendacious statement is one that is a lie. [formal] Synonyms: lying, false, untrue, fraudulent More Synonyms of mendacious.

Can you describe a person as lambent?

dealing lightly and gracefully with a subject; brilliantly playful: lambent wit.

How do you call mendacious?

Some common synonyms of mendacious are deceitful, dishonest, and untruthful. While all these words mean “unworthy of trust or belief,” mendacious may suggest bland or even harmlessly mischievous deceit and when used of people often suggests a habit of telling untruths.

How do you use obdurate in a sentence?

I do not know why he is taking such an obdurate attitude. I have no wish to be intolerant or unduly obdurate in this matter. All those important factors are as nothing compared with his obdurate determination to impose privatisation on his dogmatic terms. The persecutors are quite obdurate to any public opinion.

What would you be if someone said you were mendacious?

A mendacious person is one who tells lies habitually and intentionally. People may tell “white lies” if they forgot your birthday or really don’t like your new haircut, but if you catch someone intentionally manipulating you with a falsehood, that person is just plain mendacious.

What is a effulgence mean?

: radiant splendor : brilliance.

What is a Lambit?

1 : playing lightly on or over a surface : flickering. 2 : softly bright or radiant.

How do you remember mendacity?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mendacity Like “Mind of Mencia” because Carlos lies and steals jokes. Mending the truth to his advantage was the car salesman’s greatest capacity. mend+a+city.

What is the noun for mendacious?

mendacity. (uncountable) The fact or condition of being untruthful; dishonesty. (countable) A deceit, falsehood, or lie.

What does Objurate mean?

1a : stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing an unrepentant, obdurate sinner. b : hardened in feelings The obdurate enemy was merciless.

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