How big do squirrel monkeys get?

How big do squirrel monkeys get?

12.5 inches long
Squirrel monkeys are up to 12.5 inches long (body length), with a tail of approximately 16 inches. They have a slender, lithe build, with a short greyish coat and bright yellow legs.

What kind of squirrel looks like a monkey?

In some areas they are also called the monkey-faced squirrel or raccoon squirrel due to their facial markings. Even though it is the largest tree squirrel in North America, it prefers to spend a great deal of time on the ground.

How much does a squirrel monkey cost?

With the click of a mouse, people can purchase any kind of animal. At a website called, capuchins are listed at $14,500; a squirrel monkey is listed at $8,900 and lemurs for $6,900. Approximately 60 percent of the animals at Primarily Primates are discarded pets.

Is a squirrel monkey a good pet?

In some parts of South America, squirrel monkey pets are not out of the ordinary—even though, as my mother can attest, they do not make good housemates. Of the many primates you could have for a pet, squirrel monkeys—of which there are at least five species—require an insane amount of care and attention.

Where are squirrel monkeys legal as pets?

During the 1960s and ’70s, large numbers of squirrel monkeys were imported into the United States from Peru and Colombia, and even today, it’s legal in many parts of this country to own one.

Can you leave a monkey home alone?

Monkeys require attention all day, every day, and unlike cats and dogs, they cannot be left at home for extended periods of time. Once your monkey bonds with you, he will want to follow you wherever you go, and if you try to leave him by himself he will become bored, depressed and aggressive.

How long does a squirrel monkey live?

about 15 years old
boliviensis are not fully weaned until 18 months old. Squirrel monkeys live to about 15 years old in the wild, and over 20 years in captivity.

Can I buy a squirrel monkey?

Can squirrel monkeys be Pets? NO! In California, and most other states, it is ILLEGAL to keep any monkey species as a pet. As important as the law is though, squirrel monkeys need to live with their own species to thrive, not humans.

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