What is VirtualBox guest utils?

What is VirtualBox guest utils?

VirtualBox Guest Additions are a collection of device drivers and system applications designed to achieve closer integration between the host and guest operating systems. They help to enhance the overall interactive performance and usability of guest systems.

How do I install Guest Additions CD image in VirtualBox?

Go to the host operating system. At the top of the VM window, choose Devices >> “Insert Guest Additions CD image…”. Then, VirtualBox simulates inserting a CD into the simulated optical drive of the VM. If you need to eject this, you can either restart the VM or click on Devices >> optical drives >> eject.

What is VirtualBox Extension Pack?

VirtualBox Extension Pack is a binary package intended to extend the functionality of VirtualBox. The Extension pack adds the following functionality: Support for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices. As a result, you can use a physical USB device in a guest operating system (OS).

How do I update VirtualBox guest additions?

All you have to do is, when Windows virtual appliance is running, go to Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image as shown in the picture below. This will mount the latest/current VBox Guest Additions CD as a drive for update.

How to install Guest Additions in VirtualBox 12.04?

I am trying to install Guest Additions in VirtualBox with Windows XP host and Ubuntu 12.04 guest. I followed the above steps: Devices-> Insert Guest Additions CD Image. After that I locate the folder /media/VBoxAdditions4.3.4_91027/ and run sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

How to add a CD ROM to VirtualBox?

Stop the virtual machine. Edit the virtual machine settings and from the “System” tab, add a new CD-ROM device to the machine. Restart the virtual machine. Install some needed dependencies as shown below.

Where is the vboxguestadditions.iso file located?

Select the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file. This action simulates inserting a CD-ROM that includes the tools. The VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file is usually located in the /usr/share/virtualbox/ directory on Linux, in the C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox directory on Windows and the Contents/MacOS directory of the VirtualBox package on Mac OS X.

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