Which persuasive technique does the poster use?

Which persuasive technique does the poster use?

The persuasive technique in the poster is glittering generalities.

Why did some propaganda posters evoke memories or feelings of the past?

It could arouse frightened and worried feelings and national pride. Why did some propaganda posters evoke memories or feelings of the past? Other family members or friends that had died in previous wars, and nobody wanted to face the tragedies again, so they would be convinced by the posters.

What is snob appeal in advertising?

Snob appeal: The opposite of the bandwagon technique, snob appeal makes the case that using the product means the consumer is better/smarter/richer than everyone else. Flattery: The advertiser appeals to the audience’s vanity by implying that smart/popular/rich people buy the product.

What exactly is a propaganda poster?

What is a ‘propaganda poster’? Propaganda is an attempt to influence peoples’ opinions or behaviour through the use of specific images and words. It usually gives limited information which is heavily biased in its presentation. Propaganda typically achieves its aims by generating an emotional reaction in the viewer.

What does this propaganda poster mean?

A propaganda poster reminding people not to discuss information critical to national security. A propaganda poster of Uncle Sam, a representation of America, encouraging people to join the army. Different propaganda campaigns have been organized regarding the use of varying birth control methods.

What is the most popular propaganda?

The most popular types of propaganda were those asking for people to assist in the war effort. That could be anything from getting a factory job, to buying bonds, or converting goods. Posters were produced asking Americans to try and conserve products such as fats, butter, coffee, and rubber.

What was the primary goal of propaganda art?

The primary goal of propaganda art is to convey a political message and/or to influence a particular group to support something.

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