Why WAMP server is not working?

Why WAMP server is not working?

Right click on My Computer icon -> Properties Go to Device Manager Click on View menu and chooseShow hidden devices Now from the list choose Non-Plug and Play devices Double click HTTP -> go to Driver For Type choose Disabled Restart your computer After your computer boots up you should be able to start up WAMP server.

Why my Wamp is red?

If the icon remains red or orange, it means that one or more components are not working as they should. Apache, MySQL and PHP all have error logs that are accessible from the WampServer menu and it’s a good idea to check those if there’s any problem but here are a couple of things you can also try.

How do I get Wamp to work?

Go to the Downloads folder and locate the WAMP server installer file. Double-click the WAMP server installer file. A security window will pop up, asking you whether you are sure of whether you want to run the file. Click “Run” to initiate the installation process.

Why Wampserver is not green?

And the icon does not turn green. This issue indicated that your apache has not started, this is normally because something else is using port 80. This will load a command window and tell you what is using port 80.

How do I know if Wampserver is working?

  1. Click on the wamp server icon in the taskbar and test “localhost”.
  2. If that works, click the ” phpinfo() ” link on the page.
  3. If that works too, your wamp server is working and you should be able to execute php files. If not, you need to make sure it is installed properly and started properly.

Why WAMP server is not green?

How do I make my WampServer icon green?

Click on the WAMP logo, goto Apache -> Service -> Install Service, after that Apache -> Service -> Start/Resume Service. Do the same for MySQL and it will turn green.

What is better WAMP or Xampp?

XAMPP is more powerful and resource taking than WAMP. WAMP provides support for MySQL and PHP. XAMPP also has SSL feature while WAMP doesnt. If your applications need to deal with native web apps only, Go for WAMP.

How do I allow Wamp through Windows Firewall?

  1. Check if Wamp is published locally if it is, continue;
  2. Click “Allow app through firewall”
  3. Click “Allow some app”
  4. Find and choose C:/wamp64/bin/apache2/bin/httpd.exe.

What to do if Wamp server fails to run?

Now install vcredist_x86.exe file and restart WAMP server or any other program which was not running previously. Everything should work fine now. If WAMP Server fails to run. Restart your PC and then start the program again. 2. Solved : Wampserver 2.1 Gives Orange Icon After Install On Windows 7 and Windows 8

Why is my Wamp server icon turning green?

WAMP server icon will turn green after restarting. That means everything working fine. Now you can run your local development server to install your favorite CMS WordPrfess, Joomla, Drupal and other CMS locally.

How to change the port of a WAMP server?

It will open one new window as shown below. It says that whatever port is used by Apache (Wamp server) is currently used by some other service, so if you want to start the Apache service then you have to changethe port of this Wampserver service. Now for changing the port you have to go to Wampserver menu => Apache.

Why is the WAMP server tray icon white?

New external SSD was formatted as ‘exFAT’. Just reformatted it to NTFS and and viola! Hope this helps someone. If the tray icon appears and has white color then your wamp server has began. can also be checked by going to http://localhost.

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