What is the conjugated form of etre?

What is the conjugated form of être?

The verb être (to be) is an irregular verb in the present tense. In il/elle/on est form, the s is not pronounced. In the vous êtes form, the s is pronounced as a or z to link with the vowel ê in êtes….2.4 The Verb Être.

Person French English
3rd person Il est Elle est On est He/it is She/it is One/we is

What are the six conjugated forms of être?

Let’s conjugate ÊTRE

  • I am = Je suis. I am a woman = Je suis une femme.
  • You are = Tu es (casual) You are so friendly = Tu es si gentil.
  • She is = Elle est.
  • He is = Il est.
  • We are = on est.
  • We are = nous sommes.
  • You are = vous êtes (formal or you all)
  • They are = Elles sont (for an exclusively feminine group)

What are the forms of être in French?

Verb tables: Etre

Person Present (I am) Future (I will be)
1st Singular. je suis je serai
2nd Singular tu es tu seras
3rd Singular il / elle / on est il (..) sera
1st plural nous sommes nous serons

How do you conjugate être in the Imparfait?

To the stem, add the endings -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, and -aient. Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the verbs danser, finir and être in the imparfait tense. Note that -ais, -ais, -ait, and -aient are all pronounced alike….

verb present tense ‘nous’ form imparfait stem
être nous sommes ét-

What is the difference between été and était?

“était” is imparfait, “a été” is passé composé. Basically, the main difference is that the former is a description, or something that lasts a while, and the second one is something that was brief or that you want to establish as over.

How do you conjugate the verb être in passe compose?

The passé composé of 17 verbs is formed by combining the present tense of être (je suis, tu es, il est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont) and then adding the past participle of the verb showing the action.

Does Retourner take être or avoir?

Most verbs use either avoir or être as the auxiliary verb in Le Passé Composé (or other compound tense), but retourner uses both, depending on its grammatical usage* and what it means in the sentence. – The intransitive version (lacking a direct object), uses être.

What is the conjugation of verb être with TU in past tense?

Which of the following verbs takes être in the passé Composé?

The following is a list of verbs that use être (for intransitive usage) as their auxiliary verbs in passé composé: Devenir – to become – (être) devenu(e)(s) Revenir – to come back – (être) revenu(e)(s) Monter – to go up – (être) monté(e)(s)

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