What size should Etsy product images be?

What size should Etsy product images be?

Your photos should be 2700px along the long edge. For the best size and quality with a 4:3 ratio, your photo would be 2700 pixels wide and 2025 pixels tall. This size is perfect for Etsy’s recommendations, and will allow you optimize the image for web.

What are the dimensions of an Etsy listing?

Etsy sizes

Graphic Size
Shop Banner 760 × 100 px
Thumbnail 570 × 456 px
Team Logo 170 × 100 px
Item Listing 800 × 1,000 px

How wide is 2000 pixels?

16 x 16 2000 x 2000 4800 x 4800
16 x 20 2000 x 2500 4800 x 6000
16 x 24 2000 x 3000 4800 x 7200
18 x 24 2250 x 3000 5400 x 7200

Is 72 pixels per inch good for printing?

For an image to print properly, the image should be saved at 300 ppi at the final printed size. * Your monitor displays between 72 and 96 ppi. To adequately view print resolution on a monitor, you should zoom in 400%. Never increase the total pixel dimension of raster image.

Why does my Etsy banner look blurry?

Etsy sets a standard that the banner needs to be a particular size. So any other dimensions could make it appear blurry. Etsy will adjust your image to the size it requires, and this is when the image can get distorted. If your banner is too large, the image will shrink and be compressed, making the image illegible.

How do I add size to my Etsy listing?

Scroll down to the Variations section and click Add variations. Click Choose variation type and select the type of variation you offer. If you want to vary the price, quantity, or SKU numbers for your variation, check the box for that option under your variation type. Click Save.

Does Etsy have listing templates?

Learn about and how to use Etsy Listing Templates. There are 4 different Listing Templates for Etsy. They allow you to save a majority of your category-based settings, to increase the efficiency of listing to Etsy.

What size is 1920×1080 in inches?

a 23 inch 1920×1080 pixel LCD screen (110% text size) shows it as 5.75 inches wide. a 19 inch 1280×960 pixel CRT screen shows this image as 5.6 inches wide. a 17 inch 1024×768 pixel CRT monitor shows it 6.0 inches wide.

How do I know the pixel size of an image?

To figure out the image size, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Multiply the width and height of the image, in pixels, to get the total pixel count.
  2. Multiply the total pixel count by 3 to get the image size in bytes.
  3. Divide the number of bytes by 1024 to get the image size in kilobytes.

Is 72 a high resolution?

The standard resolution for web images is 72 PPI (often called “screen resolution”). That means an image that’s about 400 or 500 pixels wide will take up a good chunk of the web page, and look pretty big on a monitor.

Can you add more than 10 photos on Etsy?

More photos: Now, when you create a new listing or edit an existing listing on Etsy or Pattern, you’ll have the option to add up to 10 photos. Bigger sizes: You can also upload larger photos—we’ve increased the maximum size you can save from 1500 pixels to 3000 pixels.

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