Where does the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin live?

Where does the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin live?

World Range & Habitat Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphins, Sousa chinensis, are found in tropical and temperate coastal waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans from northern Australia and southern China in the east, through Indonesia, and around the coastal rim of the Indian Ocean to southern Africa.

Are Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins endangered?

Not extinct
Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin/Extinction status

What is unusual about the Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin?

An adult Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin is grey, white or pink and may appear as an albino dolphin to some. Populations along the coasts of China and Thailand have been observed with pink skin. The pink colour originates not from a pigment, but from blood vessels which were overdeveloped for thermoregulation.

Where do humpback dolphins live?

Humpback dolphins are found in shallow waters, generally never deeper than 25m in bays, lagoons, estuaries, and around rocky and coral reefs. In South Africa they can be found from False Bay in the west to Mozambique in the east. Most humpback dolphin populations seem to have a home range of 120-200km.

Where do white dolphins live?

Pacific white-sided dolphins are pelagic, meaning they live in the open ocean and nearshore waters, but are unlikely to be found close to shore. They live in the temperate waters of the North Pacific Ocean. In the United States, they are found off the coast of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.

Is there white dolphin?

The Taiwanese white dolphin, also known as the Taiwanese Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis taiwanensis)—first described after a 2002 exploratory survey—is found exclusively in the shallow waters of the western coast of Taiwan.

Why are pink dolphins pink?

The Amazon pink river dolphin can change its color! The dolphins are actually born gray and slowly turn pink as they age. Male dolphins are strikingly pinker than their female counterparts; the coloration thought to be a product of scar tissue resulting from rough games or fighting over conquests.

Why do dolphins have twice as much blood as humans?

Blood in an adult dolphin makes up about 10-15 per cent of its body weight, while in humans it is only 7 per cent. The dolphin’s blood contains a higher concentration of red blood cells and haemoglobin than human blood, therefore, they are able to store twice as much oxygen in their muscles as humans.

Is the Chinese white dolphin extinct?

What do Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins eat?

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins eat a variety of fish and are prey to some sharks. They also host some parasites, such as nematodes (Anisakis alexandri), which affect the stomach. In Hong Kong, lungworms (Halocercus pingi) have been observed in their orbits.

How long do humpback dolphins live?

It is thought that humpback dolphins reach maturity between 10-12yrs. Females give birth to a single calf approximately every 2-4 years. Humpback dolphins can live for over 40 years.

Where do pink dolphins live?

The Amazon river dolphin, also known as the pink river dolphin or boto, lives only in freshwater. It is found throughout much of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Venezuela.

Are Indo Pacific humpback dolphins predators or prey?

Sharks are the only known predator of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. While unconfirmed, it is likely that killer whales, Orcinus orca also prey on this species. Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins have been known to flee from sharks and to chase sharks to avoid predation. Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins eat a variety of fish and are prey to some sharks.

Is the humpback dolphin endangered?

The main threats to the Taiwanese humpback dolphin include bycatch and entanglement in fisheries and habitat destruction and degradation due to coastal development. In 2018, NOAA Fisheries listed the dolphin as endangered under the Endangered Species Act .

What is a humpback dolphin?

Humpback dolphins are members of the genus Sousa . These dolphins are characterized by the conspicuous humps and elongated dorsal fins found on the backs of adults of the species.

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