Does FMAB have a good ending?

Does FMAB have a good ending?

The ending of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, which ties up virtually every loose thread that the story has created over the course of its run, serves as a fully satisfying conclusion for fans who wanted to anime to be faithful to the manga it was based on.

What happens at the end of FMAB?

Edward is ready to sacrifice his life, but he instead provides something far more central to his nature: his alchemy. After this point, he will never be an alchemist again, and he tells Truth that this does not reduce his status in any way. Alphonse is returned, and Ed’s Gate disappears forever.

How old is May Chang at the end of FMA Brotherhood?

So Ed and Winry are about 22 years old, and Al is about 21 and May Chang is about 18.

Does Winry shoot scar?

Winry collapses in grief now knowing her parents were murdered by a man they helped and that they did nothing to deserve it either. But Winry picks it up and bitterly aims it towards Scar. Recognizing who she is, Scar states she has a right to shoot him, as he recalls the day he visited his brother during the war.

Does Ed learn Alkahestry?

In conclusion: Since both of them make use of the same concept/power, the different lying in their sources and their specializations, it’s possible for him to learn Alkahestry but not use it. It’s similar to what happened with Alchemy. Ed can’t use it at the end, but there’s nothing stopping him from learning it.

Does Al and Ed ever meet again?

Edward appears in his world, reunited with Alphonse and their friend Winry Rockbell, who fits Edward with new automail limbs. Instead of sealing the Gate on the other world’s side as per Edward’s request, however, Alphonse has Mustang seal the Gate and follows Edward to remain with his brother.

What episode does Ed fight scar?

Episode 40
Episode 40: The Scar (2003 series)

Who is better at Alchemy Ed or Al?

2 Why Al Is Better: He’s Taller Although Edward got a growth spurt towards the end of the series, Al has always been the taller sibling. When it comes to Alchemy, Ed’s the latter. In order to save his brother from completely being erased, he uses alchemy to bind Al’s soul to a suit of armor. Al is also able to do that.

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