What are tropical cyclones called in the Pacific?

What are tropical cyclones called in the Pacific?

The same type of disturbance in the Northwest Pacific is called a typhoon. Meanwhile, in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean, the generic term tropical cyclone is used, regardless of the strength of the wind associated with the weather system.

What are the Pacific hurricane names for 2021?

Storm names

  • Andres.
  • Blanca.
  • Carlos.
  • Dolores.
  • Enrique.
  • Felicia.
  • Guillermo.
  • Hilda.

What is the 5 tropical cyclone?

Australian tropical cyclone intensity scale

Category Sustained winds Gusts
Five >107 kt >198 km/h >151 kt >280 km/h
Four 86–107 kt 158–198 km/h 122–151 kt 226–280 km/h
Three 64–85 kt 118–157 km/h 90–121 kt 167–225 km/h
Two 48–63 kt 89–117 km/h 68–89 kt 126–166 km/h

What are Pacific storms called?

For example, the name “hurricane” is given to systems that develop over the Atlantic or the eastern Pacific Oceans. In the western North Pacific and Philippines, these systems are called “typhoons” while in the Indian and South Pacific Ocean, they are called “cyclones”.

What are the other name of cyclone?

Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones are all the same. It’s just different names given to tropical storms in different parts of the world – hurricane in the Atlantic, typhoon in the Pacific and cyclone in the Indian Ocean.

How do you name a cyclone?

You can write to the Bureau of Meteorology to suggest a cyclone name, but it is likely to be more than a 50-year wait. Tropical cyclones are named so we can easily highlight them to the community, and to reduce confusion if more than one cyclone happens at the same time.

What are the Pacific storm names for 2020?


  • 3.1 Tropical Depression One-E.
  • 3.2 Tropical Storm Amanda.
  • 3.3 Tropical Storm Boris.
  • 3.4 Tropical Depression Four-E.
  • 3.5 Tropical Storm Cristina.
  • 3.6 Tropical Depression Six-E.
  • 3.7 Tropical Storm Seven-E.
  • 3.8 Hurricane Douglas.

What name is given to a tropical cyclone?

Tropical cyclone, also called typhoon or hurricane , an intense circular storm that originates over warm tropical oceans and is characterized by low atmospheric pressure, high winds, and heavy rain.

What are tropical cyclones called in America?

Tropical cyclones are called: Typhoons in Japan, Hurricanes in America, and Willy Willie’s in Australia

How are cyclone names chosen?

The name is chosen, following alphabetical order, from a predefined list of names validated for the basin and for the cyclone season of reference (starting each season with the name with the initial letter “A”), except when a tropical system already named in the South-East Indian Ocean (east of 90° E) shifts to the South-West Indian Ocean.

What are other names for a cyclone?

“hurricane” (the North Atlantic Ocean,the Northeast Pacific Ocean east of the dateline,or the South Pacific Ocean east of 160E)

  • “typhoon” (the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the dateline)
  • “severe tropical cyclone” or “Category 3 cyclone” and above (the Southwest Pacific Ocean west of 160°E or Southeast Indian Ocean east of 90°E)
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