What is definition list in a Web page?

What is definition list in a Web page?

A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. Definition lists are typically formatted with the term on the left with the definition following on the right or on the next line. The definition text is typically indented with respect to the term.

What is definition list in HTML?

HTML Description List or Definition List displays elements in definition form like in dictionary. The , and tags are used to define description list. tag defines the description list. tag defines data term. tag defines data definition (description).

What tag defines a list of definitions?

The tag defines a description list.

How do you define a list?

How to list definitions.

  1. Place the terms in a section called “Definitions”.
  2. Place the defined terms in alphabetical order.
  3. Do not give any defined term a paragraph designation, for example, (a), (b), (c); however, subparagraphs are designated (1), (2), (3).

How do you create a definition list in HTML explain with example?

HTML Description Lists A description list is a list of items with a description or definition of each item. The description list is created using element. The element is used in conjunction with the element which specify a term, and the element which specify the term’s definition.

How do we define a list item?

The list items are enclosed within


tags. The ordering is given by numbering scheme, using Arabic numbers, letters or roman numerical. Unordered list: It is used for items in which the ordering is not specific.

What is definition list explain with example?

What is the function of definition list with example?

A definition list is the container element for DT and DD elements. The term currently being defined in the definition list. This element contains inline data. < DD > The definition description element contains data that describes a definition term.

How do you define a list item?

An unordered list also called bulleted list. The list is defined using the



    . Each time in the list is defined using the

  • tag. Example: The following code demonstrates both the ordered list and un-ordered list.Jun 24, 2021
  • How to create a definition list in HTML?

    HTML Definition Lists. A definition list is a list of items, with a description of each item. The definition list created using tag. The tag is used in conjunction with — defines the item in the list, and describes the item in the list:

    What is the definition of a definition list?

    Content Model: Optional list header (LH), followed by one or more terms (DT) and definitions (DD). A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions.

    Which is the name of the description list in HTML?

    The tag defines the description list, the tag defines the term (name), and the tag describes each term: For a complete list of all available HTML tags, visit our HTML Tag Reference.

    What does http stand for on the Internet?

    HTTP. Stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol.”. HTTP is the protocol used to transfer data over the web. It is part of the Internet protocol suite and defines commands and services used for transmitting webpage data. HTTP uses a server-client model.

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