What is Imbango in Ifugao?

What is Imbango in Ifugao?

The Imbango ceremony is a unique and significant celebration that unites the couple as one with both their respective families, not just blessing the tie that binds them as man and wife in ordinary marriage. There are different customs based on which social class an Ifugao family belongs to.

What is the ifugaos courtship practice?

The Ifugao of northern Luzon practices a courtship called ca-i-sing (this practice is known as the ebgan to the Kalinga tribes and as pangis to the Tingguian tribes), wherein males and females are separated into “houses”.

What values do the Ifugaos have about marriage?

Monogamy is the norm, but the wealthy sometimes practice polygyny. The incest prohibition extends to first cousins; more distant cousins may be married only on payment of livestock penalties. Ifugao courtship takes place in the girls’ houses ( agamang ).

What are the four parts of a traditional wedding ceremony?

Traditional Wedding Ceremony Order

  • The Processional. First off, the processional.
  • Words of Welcome. Once everyone is in place, the officiant will say a few words of welcome.
  • Introduction.
  • Readings.
  • Officiant Addresses Couple.
  • Exchange Vows.
  • Ring Exchange.
  • The Kiss.

What is Ifugao dance?

Their war-dance (the bangibang) is one of the cultural remnants of the time of tribal conflict. This dance is traditionally held on the walls of the rice terraces by the men, equipped with spears, axes and wooden shields and a headdress made of leaves. [ Source: philippines.hvu.nl]

What is the burial rites of Ifugao?

The Ifugao bury their dead near the home, leaving them underground for one to two years. Once enough time for decomposition has passed and money has been saved for a ceremony, the family exhumes the body and holds a customary “second burial.” The bones are cleaned and kept in a special mausoleum or at home.

What are the beliefs of Ifugao?

Ifugao Religion About half of all Ifugaos have embraced Christianity but their animist beliefs have been absorbed into their Christian beliefs. The Ifugao have traditionally believed their lives were ruled by spirits called anitos. Many Ifugao still believe the universe was divided into five levels.

What do you understand in Ifugao laws?

THE TAKING OF LIFE. The Ifugao has one general law, which with a few notable exceptions he applies to killings, be they killings in war, murders, or executions, which public opinion would pronounce justifiable and legal. That law is: A life must be paid by a life.

What should be said at a wedding ceremony?

To Bride: Will you please repeat this vow to (Groom), saying after me: I (Bride), take you (Groom), to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you. …

What are Ifugaos known for?

The Ifugao (Ifugaw, Ipugao, Ypugao, Hilipan, Quiangan) are world-famous for their spectacular rice terraces especially in Mayaoyao and Banaue where entire mountainsides are sculpted like giant steps. The national population is over 167,369 (NSO 1990).

When does the wedding feast take place in Ifugao?

In Ifugao, the wedding feast is a community endeavour with the entire community pitching in and everyone working together to prepare the food and to provide for the wedding feast. Tradition dictates that marriage should take place a year after the engagement ceremony. Terms are set before the engagement.

How does the Ifugao tradition of the imbango work?

In the Ifugao tradition, the Imbango has always involved significant involvement and expense from both families: The party of the bride provided the food prep with cooperation and assistance of co-villagers, relatives and friends, particularly in rice wine provisions, labor during the affair and other needs.

What kind of pigs are used in Ifugao ceremony?

During modern-day Ifugao rituals, domestic native-raised pigs are offered instead of dried meat. On the Indunan property, preparations for Jesse and Kara’s Imbango ceremony are underway for this tradition… The family Nipa hut, where rice is traditionally stored. Carabou horns are displayed on the exterior siding.

What was the Ifugao province best known for?

The province of Ifugao is best known for the Banaue Rice Terraces, the 2,000 year old rice terraces made by the Ifugao natives without the use of machinery. It was recognize as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.

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