What is the best Druid spec for Shadowlands?

What is the best Druid spec for Shadowlands?

Best Druid Leveling Spec in Shadowlands. For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Feral as the best Druid leveling spec. Feral has the tools to quickly deal devastating amounts of damage, and many bleed effects for long damage durations.

What is a moonkin?

Moonkin are large, flightless, sapient bird-like humanoids native to the night elf areas in northern Kalimdor. Sometimes called an “owlbear”, these large bipedal creatures have the size of an upright walking bear, but with bird-like features such as a beak, feathers, and flightless wings.

Where to find the balance Druid PvE talents?

On the Balance Druid PvP Talents page, you will find an analysis of each PvE talent row to help you decide which talent to pick on each row, as well as an overview of the PvP talents, which advice on which ones to take and under which conditions.

How does a balance Druid work in 2v2?

Based on the sockets observed on the 50 highest Balance Druids in 2v2, the domination shards to use are: Your critical hits cause a nearby ally to absorb the next 348 damage dealt to them within 6 sec. Your Leech is increased by 37.

What’s the balance Druid playstyle in Shadowlands?

Balance Druid Playstyle in Shadowlands Balance’s class fantasy is controlling the sun and the moon to do damage from range with Nature and Arcane spell schools. You are in a higher state and gain bonus damage by being in Moonkin Form. Balance Druid is a general builder/spender that has two damage over time effects.

What do Azerite traits do for balance Druids?

Azerite Traits for Balance Druids. Azerite traits are unlocked in your helm, shoulders and chest. With each Azerite level in your neck, you get closer to unlocking the center trait in your gear. These traits vary from increasing damage or healing of certain abilities to helping increase your survivability.

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