What is the Twilight bonus feature?

What is the Twilight bonus feature?

DirecTV Cinema will premiere The Twilight Saga; Eclipse, with a bonus feature not available to cable providers, next month. “The extra bonus footage of their favorite vampire family, which can’t be found through any cable provider in the country, only heightens the experience.”

Is Twilight a flop?

But just how successful was Twilight in the box office when it was all said and done? Hardwicke revealed that the movie blew any and all expectations out of the water. “We made $69 million opening weekend and $400 million overall,” the director shared.

Which Twilight DVD has the commentary?

Ultimate Fan Edition DVD cover The “ultimate fan edition” DVD and Blu-ray disc were released on March 20, 2010. It contains the following features: Audio Commentary by Chris Weitz and Peter Lambert.

What is a bonus feature?

Bonus feature is a term mostly used by slot machine and video slot players. It describes additional features the player can trigger during the game. Some of the features even trigger a mini-game you get to play while playing a video slot.

What is the difference between Eclipse and Eclipse Extended Edition?

The Extended Edition is 284.66 seconds (~ 4:45 minutes) longer than the theatrical version. After Bella left the car, the Extended Edition includes another scene of her and Edward at the front door.

Why did they stop Twilight?

Meyer ultimately decided not to make Forever Dawn the sequel to Twilight as it didn’t “fall into the young adult genre” because she “wasn’t thinking about her audience yet” and was just writing for her own amusement.

Who is Robert Pattinson’s girlfriend?

Suki Waterhouse (2018–)
Robert Pattinson/Partner

What are bonus features in a movie?

Some movies include bonus features* like deleted and extended scenes, commentary and much more. *Bonus features are available in streaming form only and are not available to save for offline viewing.

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