Can you keep Severums with discus?

Can you keep Severums with discus?

Severums are not aggressive fish and can be kept with other docile cichlids such as angelfish, festivums, uarus, members of the earth-eater group of cichlids (of the genus Geophagus, etc.), the South American dwarf cichlids, and yes, even with discus if the tank is large enough.

Can you mix cichlids and discus?

These dwarf cichlids are amazingly colored and generally peaceful enough to combine well with your discus. Other than that, you can stick to the blackwater feel for both Rams and Discus: plenty of leaf litter and driftwood will work well for both species. Be sure to keep the water quality high at all times.

Are Gold Severums aggressive?

While South American cichlids (including the Golden Severum) tend to be less aggressive than their African cousins, providing adequate space is still very important. They can be kept singly in a 45 gallon tank or as a mated pair in a tank of at least 100 gallons.

What other cichlids can live with discus?

Some suitable aquarium mates include cardinal tetras, neons, emperor and rummynose tetras as well as clown loaches and dwarf cichlids, such as rams and Apistogramma species. All of these fish tolerate the high temperatures and low pH/hardness required by discus.

What fish can I keep with Severums?

As another South American native, Angelfish are a perfect match for Severums. Both are medium sized, fairly peaceful cichlids with a compressed body to slip through dense weedy undergrowth. Angelfish are a lot more popular and come in several color morphs that will add variety to your Severum setup.

Can you put angelfish with discus?

Angelfish are usually peaceful, but they can be aggressive when feeding and breeding. Discus fish are docile and may be deprived of food by angelfish. You can put them together but make sure the discus fish is eating.

Can I put discus fish with Oscars?

Delicate species: Oscars are large, tough fish that tend to pick on tank mates. Avoid any delicate species such as Discus that require a peaceful environment to thrive. As a result, Oscar tanks tend to have high nitrates and generally aren’t the most pristine conditions.

What fish can live with gold Severum?

Are Severums hardy fish?

Conclusion. Gold Severum are one of the most beautiful and hardy fish that we keep. They get fairly large, and do best in a tank of their own, and they will provide you with many years of pleasure, and if you want, babies.

Can betta fish live with discus?

Unlike other tetras, they don’t even nip fins. It’s as though nature created the perfect community fish. They’ll do well with your discus and your betta fish. The only drawback will be that your discus might grow big enough to eat your neons.

Can you put Severums with angelfish?

As another South American native, Angelfish are a perfect match for Severums. Both are medium sized, fairly peaceful cichlids with a compressed body to slip through dense weedy undergrowth. Angelfish also prefer being kept in schools; individuals tend to be shy and retiring kept alone.

Are Severum cichlids aggressive?

Severum Cichlids are some what semi-aggressive & again it depends on the personality of the fish. There are aggressive ones who don’t share their tank with any fish, there are few which are well behaved in a community tank & also few which are gentle giants.

What are the colors of the Golden Severum?

Several colors have been produced by tank breeding such as brown, green, gold, and turquoise. The Golden Severum is one such captive bred color morph of the Severum Cichlid. They have the same deep oval shaped body but are pale yellow/gold in color.

Is the Golden Severum difficult to care for?

Golden Severums are moderately difficult to care for, but not as difficult as Discus and many other cichlids. As long as the owner is diligent in performing frequent water changes, they will generally respond well and live long and comfortable lives.

Is the Golden Severum on the IUCN Red List?

The wild Severum is not listed on the IUCN Red List. Common names or different spellings these fish are known by include Convict Fish, Deacon, Sedate Cichlid, Hero, and Striped Cichlid.

What kind of water does a gold Severum live in?

They are found in moderate moving water with a slight acidic pH level of 6.0-6.5, water hardness ranging from 4-6 dGH and a temperature of 23.3-28.9˚C. Sand substrate makes up their natural habitat, and they thrive well in areas with dense vegetations. As omnivores, in the wild, they feed on plants, algae and smaller live prey.

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