Is ServerName required Apache?

Is ServerName required Apache?

1 Answer. If the server is hosting a single website, you don’t have to use VirtualHosts, so you don’t have to define ServerName, however it’s recommended to do it. If you don’t do it, Apache will try to find out the hostname based on the server IP performing a reverse DNS lookup.

What is ServerName in Apache2?

ServerName : Hostname and port that the server uses to identify itself. ServerAlias : Alternate names for a host used when matching requests to name-virtual hosts.

What is Mod_substitute?

mod_substitute provides a mechanism to perform both regular expression and fixed string substitutions on response bodies.

How do I change the default virtual host in Apache?

If you are using Debian style virtual host configuration (sites-available/sites-enabled), one way to set a Default VirtualHost is to include the specific configuration file first in httpd. conf or apache. conf (or what ever is your main configuration file).

How do I fix failed to start Apache server?

1 Answer. The reason Apache fails to start is because something is already listening on the port/ip combination. The log entries of “Address already in use” indicate this. You need to identify what other service is running on those ports and then go and shut it off before turning on Apache.

How do I set up a ServerName directive?

How to configure ServerName directive globally for Apache HTTP Server

  1. Define a “fqdn. conf” file in Apache HTTP Server’s available configuration folder.
  2. Enable the “fqdn. conf” configuration.
  3. Restart Apache HTTP Server.

What is the functionality of ServerName directive on name-based virtual hosting?

Name-based vs. With name-based virtual hosting, the server relies on the client to report the hostname as part of the HTTP headers. Using this technique, many different hosts can share the same IP address. Name-based virtual hosting also eases the demand for scarce IP addresses.

What is SubstituteMaxLineLength?

SubstituteMaxLineLength Directive The maximum line size handled by mod_substitute is limited to restrict memory use. The limit can be configured using SubstituteMaxLineLength .

How do I enable MODsubstitute in Apache?

The does not come preinstalled under modules so you have to copy the source of mod_substitute. c from the latest apache source and then compile it with apxs installer. Download the latest apache source tarball from you need not compile it as httpd has already been installed with yum.

What is ServerName in httpd conf?

This option corresponds to the ServerName directive in httpd. conf . The ServerName directive sets the hostname of the Web server. It is used when creating redirection URLs. If you do not define a server name, the Web server attempts to resolve it from the IP address of the system.

What is the functionality of ServerName directive on name based virtual hosting?

What is better Apache or NGINX?

NGINX performs 2.5 times faster than Apache according to a benchmark test performed by running up to 1,000 simultaneous connections. Another benchmark running with 512 simultaneous connections, showed that NGINX is about twice as fast and consumed less memory.

Where do I find substitution in Apache httpd?

If you’re running httpd 2.4+, you can turn on mod_info and browse to http://servername/server-info?config to dump the current configuration, which will show the variable substitution.

How does the substitute Directive work in Apache?

The Substitute directive specifies a search and replace pattern to apply to the response body. The meaning of the pattern can be modified by using any combination of these flags: Perform a case-insensitive match. By default the pattern is treated as a regular expression. Using the n flag forces the pattern to be treated as a fixed string.

Which is the canonical name in Apache httpd?

With UseCanonicalName On Apache httpd will use the hostname and port specified in the ServerName directive to construct the canonical name for the server. This name is used in all self-referential URLs, and for the values of SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT in CGIs.

Can a virtual host not specify a server name?

It is best to always explicitly list a ServerName in every name-based virtual host. If a VirtualHost doesn’t specify a ServerName, a server name will be inherited from the base server configuration. If no server name was specified globally, one is detected at startup through reverse DNS resolution of the first listening address.

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