What is Quaker process?

What is Quaker process?

To be effective, Quaker process requires that everyone come ready to participate fully by sharing their experiences and knowledge, by listening respectfully to the experiences and knowledge brought by others, and by remaining open to new insights and ideas.

What are the three 3 levels in the process of developing consensus within a meeting?

Consensus Decision-Making– Participants make decisions by agreement rather than by majority vote. Inclusiveness– To the extent possible, all necessary interests are represented or, at a minimum, approve of the decision. Accountability– Participants usually represent stakeholder groups or interests.

What happens at a Quaker meeting?

Quakers call worship events meetings for worship rather than services. In a Quaker meeting for worship a group of people sits in a room in silence for an hour. From time to time someone may speak briefly, but sometimes the entire hour may pass without a word being spoken.

What is an example of consensus decision-making?

For example, a group of people could try to take more control over their lives by deciding to get a house together, and make decisions about how they live by consensus.

What is Quaker consensus?

In Quaker consensus, a clerk runs the meeting. The clerk decides who shall speak next. Typically, a business meeting runs from an agenda that has been agreed to early in the meeting. Each item of business is brought forth in turn and discussed. Any resolutions, called minutes, are formulated and passed.

How does consensus decision-making work?

Consensus Decision-making – Participants make decisions by agreement rather than by majority vote. Inclusiveness – To the extent possible, all necessary interests are represented or, at a minimum, approve of the decision. Accountability – Participants usually represent stakeholder groups or interests.

What is the process of consensus?

In a consensus process, the stakeholders work together to find a mutually acceptable solution. Each consensus process is unique because the parties design their agreement to fit their circumstances. Consensus Decision-making – Participants make decisions by agreement rather than by majority vote.

What are the elements of consensus?

Three elements crucial to the functioning of consensus are (1) common acceptance of laws, rules, and norms, (2) attachment to the institutions which promulgate and apply the laws and rules, and (3) a widespread sense of identity or unity, which discloses to individuals who experience it, those features in respect to …

How do Quakers greet each other?

In letter-writing, where others might use the phrase Dear Sir or Madam, many Quakers would instead write Dear Friend, and in such letters, rather than finishing yours faithfully would finish either yours in truth or yours in friendship.

What are the stages of consensus building?

There are five essential steps for consensus building in your group negotiations:

  • Include the right people and set expectations. Take time to assess who will be affected by a deal.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities.
  • Engage in group problem solving.
  • Reach agreement.
  • Hold people to their commitments.

Is consensus the same as majority?

Consensus is not a majority vote. Every opinion counts. Consensus accounts for dissent and addresses it, although it does not always accommodate it. An option preferred by 51% of people is generally not enough for consensus.

How is the Quaker process used in decision making?

Quaker process is a remarkable decision making strategy which enables us to use simple rules to discern a way forward in complex situations. In the 21 st Century we face more change and complexity than in any time in our history. To adapt we need more than one decision making strategy. This paper outlines decision making in six domains.

Are there secular decisions at the Quaker meeting?

So yes, we say that each and every decision facing the Meeting is a holy and sacred and sacramental opportunity. There is no secular work. Jon Watts launched and directed the QuakerSpeak project for its first 6 seasons. Keep up to date with Jon’s work at his website.

What do the Quakers believe about communal discernment?

This practice of communal discernment is a long-standing practice among Friends everywhere and is the way communities discern the will of God for themselves. This is why there is not an overly top-down hierarchy for Friends. The goal of all Quaker yearly meetings is to support, nurture, and protect the discernment of each meeting.

What did Albert Einstein mean by Quaker decision making?

(Albert Einstein) Quaker process is a remarkable decision making strategy which enables us to use simple rules to discern a way forward in complex situations. In the 21 st Century we face more change and complexity than in any time in our history. To adapt we need more than one decision making strategy.

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