What is the main problem in the Watsons Go to Birmingham?

What is the main problem in the Watsons Go to Birmingham?

There are a number of conflicts in the story, but the main one is the difficulty the family is having with oldest son Byron’s rebellious behavior. Byron, a young teen, is sullen and rude.

What is one possible theme for The Watsons Go to Birmingham?

The overarching theme of this novel is that of family. This is a character-driven story, which gives the reader a slice of family life, through Kenny’s eyes, as he comes to understand the power that lies in familial love.

What is the setting of The Watsons Go to Birmingham?

Flint, Michigan
The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 takes place in Flint, Michigan; Birmingham, Alabama; and along Interstate I-75, which is the route the Watsons take on their trip to Alabama.

What is the irony in The Watsons Go to Birmingham?

The Whirlpool Readers know that something bad will happen as soon as Kenny decides to go to Collier’s Landing, but Kenny himself has no idea. In yet another irony that involves differing perspectives, Kenny fears for his life at Collier’s Landing, while readers of the novel know that Kenny will live to tell the tale.

What was Mr Watson’s surprise item for the car?

Lesson Summary In chapter 8 of The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963, Dad fixes up the Brown Bomber, their old car. He brings home a big surprise: an ”Ultra-Glide” record player, which was installed in the car.

How was the main problem finally solved in the Watsons Go to Birmingham?

The resolution of this great novel comes after the climax, which comes in Chapter 15 when Kenny, with Byron’s help, is finally able to express his emotions about what he has seen and observed whilst he was in Alabama, both with his fight with the Wool Pooh and with the bombing of the church.

What are some important ideas in The Watsons Go to Birmingham?


  • Coming of Age.
  • Family.
  • Friendship.
  • Society and Class.
  • Race.
  • Mortality.
  • Foolishness and Folly.
  • Guilt and Blame.

What is the author’s purpose in The Watsons Go to Birmingham?

The author has 3 purposes: to entertain, persuade, or inform.

Who does Kenny think is his saver?

Expert Answers When Kenny first meets Rufus, he thinks that Rufus will be his “personal saver” because he predicts that the kids at school will now tease Rufus instead of him. Kenny does not quite fit in at school, and is frequently the object of childish torment and ridicule. There are two…

Why did Kenny think Joetta was dead?

Why did Kenny think Joetta was dead? Kenny thought Joey was dead because she was at the church that day and when he went to see what happened the whole building was blocked by rocks and pieces of the building. When Joey came home Kenny thought that Wool Pooh got to her and that is why she is acting so weird.

How does Byron’s decision to get a conk most influence the plot?

How does Byron’s decision to get a conk MOST influence the plot? The resolution reveals how this CONFLICT is resolved. Where does Kenny find the magic that heals him? How does the lake incident with the Wool Pooh provoke Jenny’s decision at the church?

How has Byron changed since he left Flint does he seem to think about the decisions he makes use evidence from the text to support your answer?

Byron has acted more mature since the last time he has left Flint. He thinks really hard about the decisions he makes. Kenny thinks it’s okay to swim at Collier’s Landing, because he didn’t believe that the Wool Pooh was real since he thought that Byron made it up. Who does Kenny first see in the water with him?

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