What is a femme savant?

What is a femme savant?

L19 French.A learned woman. …

Who wrote Les Femmes Savantes?

The Learned Ladies/Playwrights

Les Femmes savantes (The Learned Ladies) is a comedy by Molière in five acts, written in verse. A satire on academic pretension, female education, and préciosité (French for preciousness), it was one of his most popular comedies and the last of his great plays in verse.

When was the Learned Ladies written?

Wilbur’s latest Moliere, ”The Learned Ladies” (”Les Femmes Savantes”), is every bit as well-written as its predecessors. Though published in 1977, it had to wait until last night to receive its first New York staging, by the Roundabout Theater Company.

What is a savante?

1 : a person of learning; especially : one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field (as of science or literature) 2 : a person affected with a mental disability (such as autism) who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (such as mathematics or music); especially : autistic savant.

Where does the term savant come from?

In 1887, ‘idiot’ was an accepted classification for persons with an IQ below 25, and ‘savant’, or ‘knowledgeable person’, was derived from the French word savoir meaning ‘to know’. Down joined those words together and coined the term idiot savant by which the condition was generally known over the next century.

Is savant a bad word?

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, mental health and medical professionals have defined a condition called “savant syndrome.” This definition replaces some of the older terminology that is now widely regarded as offensive and derogatory to people.

Are Dyslexics savants?

These dyslexic savants have neuro-cognitive phenomenon of creativity in the midst of language disability. It is high time that such dyslexic savants are recognized at an early age and their art and interest properly channelized to fully nurture their extraordinary talent.

What was the satire of Les Femmes Savantes?

Les Femmes savantes (The Learned Ladies) is a comedy by Molière in five acts, written in verse. A satire on academic pretension, female education, and préciosité (French for preciousness), it was one of his most popular comedies.

Who is Trissotin in Les Femmes Savantes?

For these three ladies are “learned”; their obsession in life is learning and culture of the most pretentious kind, and Trissotin is their special protégé and the fixture of their literary salon . In Scene 1, Henriette tells her sister Armande of her intention to marry Clitandre.

When did Moliere write Les Femmes Savantes?

Les Femmes Savantes. Les Femmes savantes ( The Learned Ladies) is a comedy by Molière in five acts, written in verse. A satire on academic pretension, female education, and préciosité (French for preciousness), it was one of his most popular comedies. It premiered at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal on 11 March 1672.

Why does Clitandre hate Henriette in Les Femmes Savantes?

Henriette is delighted; the learned ladies, especially Armande, are not. In Scene 1, Armande is conducting a tirade against Clitandre. Clitandre appears in Scene 2 and asks why she hates him so. She replies that he betrayed her by falling in love with Henriette instead of continuing to love her (Armande) platonically.

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