What scales are needed for grade 3 piano?

What scales are needed for grade 3 piano?

Scales and arpeggios

Scales (similar motion) A, E, B, Bb, Eb majors B, G, C minors (harmonic or melodic at candidate’s choice) 2 octaves
Contrary-motion scales A major A harmonic minor 2 octaves
Chromatic scales beginning on Ab and on C 2 octaves
Arpeggios A major G minor 2 octaves
E, B, Bb, Eb majors B, C minors 2 octaves

What is Abrsm grade3?

Practical Piano Grade 3 exams consist of three pieces, scales and arpeggios, sight-reading, and aural tests. Total marks in all individual Practical exams are 150. You need 100 marks to achieve Pass, 120 marks to pass with Merit and 130 marks to pass with Distinction.

What are grade levels in piano?

Basically, these schools divide piano music (or whatever instrument you’re learning) into difficulty levels ranging from preparatory (RCM) or grade 1 (ABRSM) up to grade 10 (grade 8 for ABRSM). Beyond that point are the diploma levels.

How long does it take to get to grade 3 piano?


Grade TQT
2 30 hours
3 50 hours
4 58 hours
5 90 hours

How do I book an Abrsm exam online?

Log in to our exam booking service and click Public Venue. You can then enter your exam details, choose your date (for practical exams) and venue, enter your candidate details, and book and pay for your exams.

What is Abrsm exam?

The ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) is an important examinations board in the United Kingdom which provides examinations in music at centres around the world. Graded music exams provide a structured framework for progression from beginner to advanced musician.

What is Abrsm initial grade?

Our Initial Grade is a pre-Grade 1 assessment available as a digital Performance Grade exam or a face-to-face Practical Grade exam. Initial Grade exams follow the same structure, content and marking criteria as our other graded music exams: Practical Initial Grade – three pieces, scales, sight-reading and aural tests.

What does Abrsm mean?

Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
The ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) is an examination board and registered charity based in London, England, which provides examinations in music at centres around the world.

When did ABRSM revise their piano syllabus?

ABRSM have been planning to revise their piano scales syllabus for some years, and their proposals were the subject of two online consultations, first in November 2017, then again in April 2019.

What do you need to know for Grade 3 ABRSM?

For Grade 3 ABRSM exams, you need to prepare 3 repertoire pieces. The RCM and ABRSM both have 3 categories for pieces at this level – List A, List B and List C. List A pieces in the RCM are Baroque dances.

What kind of piano do you need for ABRSM Grade 6?

Candidates for a Grade 6, 7 or 8 exam must already have passed ABRSM Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a solo Jazz instrument. For full details, including a list of accepted alternatives, see Prerequisite for Grades 6-8. ABRSM Centres provide a piano suitable for exam purposes. The piano will be upright or grand.

Which is the best book for learning piano scales?

“ Scale Explorer for Piano is a creative resource for students learning their scales and arpeggios. This book covers ABRSM’s new syllabus requirements (from 2021) and includes engaging activities that bring scales to life through short pieces, improvisation, composition and exercises.”

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