What was the Iran Contra affair quizlet?

What was the Iran Contra affair quizlet?

What was the Iran Contra Affair? A secret operation in which the US government secretly sent weapons to a known enemy and sent financial aid to a rebel force.

Who was involved in the Iran Contra affair quizlet?

Terms in this set (10) During the Reagan administration, senior Reagan Administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo in hopes of securing the release of hostages and allowing U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras.

What was the Iran Contra affair scandal?

Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo. The administration hoped to use the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

Which best describes the Iran Contra affair?

The correct answer is a secret arms deal. The Iran-Contra Affair involved senior administration officials in the Reagan administration secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.

What was the Iran hostage crisis quizlet?

Iranian militants (citizens with guns) stormed the U.S. Embassy in tehran and took approximately 70 Americans captive. This was a terrorist act which triggered the most serious crisis of the Carter Presidency and began a struggle/problem for Jimmy Carter and the American people that lasted 444 days.

What happened to the conspirators involved in the Iran-Contra scandal quizlet?

They wanted Iranian assistance in freeing American hostages held in Lebanon. What happened to the conspirators involved in the Iran-Contra scandal? Seven individuals pleaded guilty or were convicted.

Why did the Reagan administration support the Contras in Nicaragua quizlet?

The Contras were secretly supplied with American military aid, paid for with money the United States clandestinely made selling arms to Iran. When they agreed, Reagan gave the money to rebels in Nicaragua to overthrow the goverment because of their support of communism.

What did the Contras do?

During their war against the Nicaraguan government, the Contras committed numerous human rights violations and used terrorist tactics. These actions were frequently carried out systematically as a part of the strategy of the Contras. These illegal activities culminated in the Iran–Contra affair.

What happened to the Contras?

In 1987, after the discovery of private resupply efforts orchestrated by the National Security Council and Oliver North, Congress ceased all but “non-lethal” aid in 1987. The war between the Sandinistas and the Contras ended with a cease-fire in 1990.

What was Ollie North convicted of?

His trial opened in February 1989, and on May 4, 1989, he was initially convicted of three: accepting an illegal gratuity, aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and ordering the destruction of documents through his secretary, Fawn Hall.

Which best describes the connection between Iran and Nicaragua during the mid 1980s quizlet?

Which best describes the connection between Iran and Nicaragua during the mid-1980s? Profits from arms sold to Iran were used to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. What did US involvement in Nicaragua reveal about the Reagan administration?

What caused the Iranian hostage crisis quizlet?

Created into a country after the breakup of Ottoman Empire at the completion of WWI. Iran recieves military and economic aid for over 20 years from US. Many Iranian were angered by Shah’s alliance with a non Muslim country.

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