What does the verb Suponer mean in Spanish?

What does the verb Suponer mean in Spanish?

The Spanish verb suponer means ‘to suppose’ and is an irregular Spanish ER verb.

How do you conjugate Suponer?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb suponer in Present tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo supongo
Tu supones
El/Ella supone
Nosotros suponemos

What is the meaning of Pensar?

think, think, thinking
(to) think, think, thinking.

What does the Spanish word assume mean?

1. (= suppose) suponer. we may therefore assume that …

What are the forms of ver?

Ver conjugation: basic forms

Subject Present Imperfect
yo veo veía
ves veías
él, ella, Usted ve veía
nosotros vemos veíamos

What is the yo form of ver?

As you can see, the yo form of ver in the present progressive is estoy viendo; the tú form is estás viendo; the él/ella/usted form is está viendo; the nosotros/nosotras form is estamos viendo; the vosotros/vosotras form is estáis viendo; and the ellos/ellas/ustedes form is están viendo.

What is the difference between Pensar and Creer?

5 Comments. Creer is more spiritual or intuitive. Pensar is more logical or objective. Either one can mean believe or think, depending on context.

What does the verb Pensar mean in Spanish?

to think
pensar VERB to think; to think about, to think over. Pensar is used as often in Spanish as to think is in English.

What does the verb ver mean?

The verb ver means see, view and watch, all at the same time, so its application is much wider in Spanish than any of the English translations.

What is Ver in yo form?

Is seguir regular or irregular?

The verb seguir is mostly regular in the preterite tense.

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