What is heat exchanger working principle?

What is heat exchanger working principle?

Heat exchangers work because heat naturally flows from higher temperature to lower temperatures. Therefore if a hot fluid and a cold fluid are separated by a heat conducting surface heat can be transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid.

What is spiral tube heat exchanger?

A spiral tube heat exchanger is a coil assembly fitted in a compact shell that optimizes heat transfer efficiency and space. When exotic material is required, a spiral tube heat exchanger minimizes the material used since manifolds replace the channels, heads and tubesheets of a conventional shell and tube design.

Where are spiral heat exchangers used?

The Spiral heat exchanger is good for applications such as pasteurization, digester heating, heat recovery, pre-heating (see: recuperator), and effluent cooling. For sludge treatment, SHEs are generally smaller than other types of heat exchangers. These are used to transfer the heat.

How does a heatpump work?

Heat pumps work through the use of a refrigerant that evaporates at low temperatures. A liquid refrigerant passes through an evaporator where it picks up heat from the air and becomes a gas. The gas refrigerant is compressed in an electric compressor.

What is a Alfa Laval spiral heat exchanger?

Alfa Laval spiral heat exchangers are circular units containing two concentric spiral flow channels, one for each fluid. The different media flow counter currently: one fluid enters the centre of the unit and flows towards the periphery, the other enters the unit at the periphery and moves towards the centre.

What is spiral condenser?

Condenser has a specially formed spiral inner tube providing a long vapor path, ensuring good heat transfer and anti-flooding characteristics. Condenser has a standard taper outer joint at a 15° angle to the condenser and a lower inner drip tip joint.

How is a spiral plate heat exchanger made?

Among different types of heat exchangers that are used for cooling and heating the fluids in industries, Spiral Plate Heat Exchanger (SPHE) has an especial place. As shown in Figure 1, a SPHE consists of two sheets that were rolled around a central rod and therefore two separated concentric channels are made.

Which is the main step in heat exchanger design?

Thermal and fluid dynamical design is the main and substantial step to heat exchanger design. This calculates the required heat transfer surface and pressure drop for the heat exchanger. The goal of mechanical design is to have a heat exchanger able to tolerate working conditions.

Why does heat transfer occur in a heat exchanger?

A heat exchanger is a component that allows the transfer of heat from one fluid (liquid or gas) to another fluid. Reasons for heat transfer include the following: 1. To heat a cooler fluid by means of a hotter fluid 2. To reduce the temperature of a hot fluid by means of a cooler fluid 3.

What is the Nusselt of a heat exchanger?

Low fouling rate of the heat exchanger, reduces the need of cleaning and therefore the out of service will be decreased. In the constructed heat exchanger, Nusselt number increases as the mass flow rate increases. Average Nusselt number is about 100 that is very good. Share and Cite:

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