What is the female version of uxorious?

What is the female version of uxorious?

There’s no word in common use that can be used to describe a wife who is similarly fond of her husband. The only candidate is the invented word maritorious, from the Latin word for a husband, maritus.

What is mean by uxorious?

: excessively fond of or submissive to a wife.

What do you call a man who is controlled by his wife?

A man who dotes on or really adores his wife is uxorious. Your uxorious grandfather, for example, might plan your grandmother’s surprise birthday party months in advance. It’s also an increasingly dated, old fashioned word, as a husband is considered uxorious if he lets his wife “control” him.

What word is a synonym for uxorious?

Intimidated or overwhelmed by an overbearing significant other. henpecked. dominated. browbeaten.

Can a woman be uxorious?

Uxorious is gender specific, yes.

What’s the opposite of uxorious?

What is the opposite of uxorious?

dominating domineering
aggressive assertive
forceful macho
spirited wilful
bossy overbearing

How do you use uxorious in a sentence?

Uxorious sentence example Uxorious as he is, he answers his wife’s every beck and call. My uxorious friend will not stop talking about his wife. It’s unusual to find a husband as uxorious as him these days. My uxorious husband does his best to show his affection through my primary love languages.

What is the opposite of uxorious?

uxoriousadjective. foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife. Antonyms: unloving.

What is a hen pecked husband?

adjective. browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one’s wife, girlfriend, etc.: a henpecked husband who never dared to contradict his wife.

What part of speech is henpecked?

HENPECKED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

How do you stop chickens from pecking?

Chicken pecking due to overheating can be prevented by keeping the chicken coop and enclosure at the proper temperature. If it is too warm, then shade and water should be provided to help them cool down. Excessive light can also be easily prevented by limiting the light exposure to about 16 hours per day.

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