Can you get epocrates for free?

Can you get epocrates for free?

Join Epocrates today to access our full range of free online features. Register Now!

How do I enter my epocrates code?

How to Activate

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your license code from your license into the entry box.
  3. Click ‘Activate’

Is epocrates free for medical students?

Epocrates Essentials is a mobile app that provides premium drug and disease information and diagnostic tools for point of care use. This software is normally priced at $159 for a one-year subscription, but is currently free for all medical students.

How do I renew my epocrates?

epocrates FAQ

  1. Navigate to the Payment Information link.
  2. Remove the payment card you currently have on file.
  3. Update your billing information as you re-enter the payment card info.
  4. To avoid interruptions in your service, you will need to re-enable the automatic renewal setting once your billing information has been updated.

How much does epocrates cost?

epocrates pricing starts at $174.99 per feature, per year. There is a free version. epocrates does not offer a free trial.

Does epocrates offer a student discount?

Does epocrates offer a student discount? Yes! Please visit us here and select Customer Support to learn about current student offers.

What does Pepid stand for?


Acronym Definition
PEPID Portable Emergency Physician Information Database
PEPID Palmtop Emergency Physician Information Database

Which is better up to date or Epocrates?

Many users find it much easier to navigate and find what they are looking for. Additionally, Epocrates is offered MUCH cheaper and just a fraction of the cost of UpToDate – however, MUST be bought for a full year as opposed to monthly payments.

How much does Epocrates premium cost per year?

Go Premium just for $174.99/year. Details: Start here to save. Browse Epocrates Provider Directory in one Easily Accessible App. Details: Use our link to find out more. Track Flu, Cold, and more Superbugs in your area.

Is there a discount code for athenahealth Epocrates?

Below subscription plan enter discount code AAD2019 As providers struggle to maintain productivity from patient to patient, athenahealth is helping them save time and stay focused on care: We’ve embedded Epocrates drug monographs directly inside the athenaClinicals EHR.

Do you need to open a new window on Epocrates?

No need to toggle between services, or open a new window on your laptop or tablet. The Epocrates information you rely on—dosing, contraindications and more—is already built into the workflow, for effective, efficient clinical decision support right in the prescribing moment.

How is Epocrates used in the EHR workflow?

Epocrates information is just one source of clinical decision support integrated into our EHR. Clinical care guidelines and quality measures are also part of the workflow, surfacing where they’re easiest for providers or staff to act upon.

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