How do you fill out a logbook for Siwes?

How do you fill out a logbook for Siwes?

How to fill logbook for SIWES?

  1. Your name.
  2. The name of the University/College/etc.
  3. The direction of studying (sciences, IT, etc.)
  4. A year of the course.
  5. Company/organization/establishment you are attached to.
  6. The name of your chief/coordinator/supervisor.
  7. Your student ID number.
  8. Apply your photo.

How do I pay my Siwes logbook?

Steps to Pay For NOUN Logbook

  1. Visit
  2. Click on “Pay Federal Government Agency”
  3. In the box titled “Name Of MDA“, type National Open University (before you complete typing, the system will aid you in completing the remaining part of the name.

Do they pay it student?

All fingers aren’t equal when it comes to firm’s financial capabilities and outputs in the country. Not all firms pay their interns, but as an I.T student, you can end up lucky as you may smile home daily, weekly or monthly with reasonable pays during your training for your service and hard work.

When should I submit my ITF form?

You have to submit this form to ITF area office in two weeks after you start the training.

How do I write a technical report for Siwes?

In this chapter, you’ll have to write on:

  1. SIWES.
  2. Scope, Aim and Objectives of SIWES.
  3. History and Background of your Workplace e.g. you can include the owner/manager(s) names, year of establishment, staff strength etc.
  4. Company’s Objectives (Vision, Mission, Values) and Scope of Service.
  5. Board of Directors (if applicable)

How can I register Siwes as a noun?

SIWES Records Submission Procedure:

  1. Click of Add My SIWES Record.
  2. Log in with your MyNOUNLearning Space login name (matric number) and password (Learn how to login to myleraningspace and reset your password click here.
  3. Click on Add SIWES Record.
  4. Complete the “Personal Details” section.

What do you write in a logbook?

Begin the logbook by recording the date at the top of the page and writing a short description of the experiment to be undertaken, including the objective. That is, address why the experiment is being conducted and what information the experimenter hopes to obtain at the experiment’s conclusion.

What is Siwes?

Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a programme designed to expose and prepare students of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology, Colleges of Agriculture and Education for Industrial Work situation which they are likely to meet after graduation.

How is ITF funded?

Funds provided by the Federal Government specifically for Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme(SIWES). However, funds are channeled through the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment. An amount granted by Federal Government through the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment to support Capital Projects. b.

Why do you need a Siwes log book?

The log book is more of a memo booklet that a SIWES student must be in possession of to easily record the daily experience and happening as he or she is on the SIWES programme. The Log book as well contains basic data about the student, and also the company or place the student must have been attached to inorder to carry out the SIWES programme.

What should I put in my I.T logbook?

Most importantly, this logbook usually contains basic information of the I.T student and the firm the student must have been attached for the training.

What should I put on the summary page of my logbook?

Monthly Work Summary Description Page This is the page in your logbook you’ll have to summarize all that was carried out monthly by you at your workplace. Therefore, it could include sketches, diagrams, survey maps, building plans, chemical formulas, enumeration tables, menu plans, charts etc.

Do you have to fill in Saturday field in logbook?

Not all firms and I.T students work on Saturdays. If you’re among this category, then there is no need for you to fill in the Saturday field in your logbook. Finally, you’ll also need to write down the name of the project/job you carried out that particular week.

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