Is and/or grammatically correct?

Is and/or grammatically correct?

Please do not use “and/or” in either formal or informal writing. In common English, the “or” is a “non-exclusive or” which means “either A or B, or A and B”. When I say “I can have a banana OR I can have coffee” then I am also OK with having both. Having a banana does not prevent me from having coffee.

Is it grammatically correct to start a sentence with and?

It’s perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with “And,” as well as the other words that we are often taught to avoid such as “but” or “or.” Writing samples tracing back to the 9th century, including Bible translations, break these “sacred” rules, which stem from attempts to curb school children from stringing too …

How do you use is and are correctly in a sentence?

If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. The cat is eating all of his food. The cats are eating all of their food.

How do you put correctly in a sentence?

Correctly sentence example

  1. “Your vocal cords did not heal correctly ,” Wynn told her.
  2. If I remember correctly , when I asked you to hire someone, you didn’t have time.
  3. And if I remember correctly , you swore an oath to me.

How do you rewrite or?

This message and/or attachments are confidential. Usually, rewriting the sentence with or better reflects the meaning you’re trying to accomplish with and/or, but sometimes people try to add clarity by adding or both to the end of the sentence: This message, or attachments, or both are confidential.

Is it wrong to say grammatically incorrect?

A grammatical error is an error in grammar, but this is a clumsy way of saying so. “Ungrammatical” is preferable. Some authorities are inclined to condemn the expression grammatical error on the ground that it means an error that is grammatical, and therefore cannot mean an error in grammar…

Can we use but after full stop?

Here is what linguist Mark Liberman has to say: There is nothing in the grammar of the English language to support a prescription against starting a sentence with and or but — nothing in the norms of speaking and nothing in the usage of the best writers over the entire history of the literary language.

How do you say you are correct?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  1. Yes, that’s right.
  2. You’re quite right.
  3. Yes, that’s correct.
  4. That’s spot on.
  5. You’re dead right (there).
  6. Absolutely.
  7. You’ve hit the nail on the head.
  8. You could say so.

What is correct English?

n. The variety of English that is generally acknowledged as the model for the speech and writing of educated speakers, especially when contrasted with speech varieties that are limited to or characteristic of a certain region or social group.

How do you write grammatically correct?

Subject-Verb Agreement. In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

How you can learn to use grammar correctly?

Part 2 of 4: Practicing Grammar Read children’s books. While children’s books may not be grammar textbooks, they are designed to teach the basics of language, including fundamental words and spelling, regular and irregular nouns Read a variety of material. Improve your grasp of grammar by learning how other authors use language. Pay attention to how other speakers talk.

How do I learn proper grammar?

Here are 8 steps to learn grammar easily on your own. #1 Learn as many words as you can. #2 Talk to people. #3 Watch and learn. #4 Ask for corrections. #5 Know the parts of speech. #6 Look for patterns. #7 Practice verb forms. #8 Use an app.

What are the basic rules of grammar?

Basic Grammar Rules (PDF): A basic grammar rule involves agreement between the subject and verb of a sentence. If the subject is a singular noun, the verb must be a singular verb. Accordingly, if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

Which is correct grammar or Grammer?

The correct spelling is Grammar which is a set of rules that governs the formation and structure of a language! On the other side Grammer is a proper noun which can be the surname (last name) of a person. Learnt this difference from my English teacher in school when I spelt Grammer instead of Grammar wrongly.

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