How is vitriolic used in simple sentences?

How is vitriolic used in simple sentences?

Vitriolic in a Sentence 🔉

  1. What was supposed to be a civil debate turned into a debate reaching vitriolic levels, ending with both participants screaming obscenities.
  2. Me giving her a vitriolic critique might sting, but harsh is my middle name.
  3. Your vitriolic comments about my dress hurt my feelings!

Is there such a word as vitriolic?

Mean, nasty, and caustic as the worst acid, vitriolic words can hurt feelings, break hearts, and even lead to violence. Vitriolic is an adjective related to the noun vitriol — which means a metal sulphate. You are more likely to hear vitriolic used to describe caustic words.

Can people be vitriolic?

If you describe someone’s language or behavior as vitriolic, you disapprove of it because it is full of bitterness and hate, and so causes a lot of distress and pain. There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.

How do you use vitriol?

Vitriol in a Sentence 🔉

  1. During the town-meeting, angry citizens met the mayor spewing vitriol.
  2. Every time she gets upset, the mean-spirited woman lets vitriol flow from her mouth.
  3. The employee was asked to refrain from posting vitriol or critical talk about his workplace on social media.

How do you use sangfroid in a sentence?

Sangfroid in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Even as the building fell around him, the fireman maintained his sangfroid and rescued the little girl.
  2. The surgeon knew he had to keep his sangfroid during the complicated surgery.

How do you use invective in a sentence?

Invective in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The newspaper’s invective of the novel really made the author angry.
  2. Because your invective hurt my feelings, I am going to stay away from you for a while.
  3. The politician’s invective about his opponent caused him many votes in the election.

What is vitriolic behavior?

vitriolic language or behaviour is cruel and full of hate. Synonyms and related words. Describing offensive language. dirty.

What is an example of vitriol?

The definition of a vitriol is a sulfate of metal, or a very bitter feeling expressed in writing or speaking. An example of a vitriol is copper sulfate. An example of a vitriol is a very mean and harsh comment to a friend.

Is vitriol in a sentence?

1) His attack on the government was pure vitriol. 2) The vitriol he hurled at members of the press knew no bounds. 3) We write vitriol about each other in our newspapers. 5) He has been no stranger to controversy and vitriol during a tumultuous political career.

What does vitriol mean?

1 : bitterly harsh or caustic language or criticism political commentators spewing angry vitriol Rumor has always played a role in politics, but rarely have the backstage operatives been so adroit, and so cynical, in their use of vitriol.—

What is sang-froid in karma?

A person’s sang-froid is their ability to remain calm in a dangerous or difficult situation.

How do you use alter ego in a sentence?

From a pay phone, he calls his alter ego and says he wants to work things out. Stunned, he begins to believe that the man he is speaking to is his own alter ego. Again, no backstory or alter ego were presented within the episodes.

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