What authors use for websites?

What authors use for websites?

Top 5 Platforms for Easily Creating Your Author Website

  • WordPress. Best for: authors who want a blog-centric site to regularly add content.
  • Squarespace. Best for: authors who want a visually stunning website.
  • Wix. Best for: authors who want a visually stunning site with more options.
  • Weebly.
  • Tumblr.

How do I start my own website author?

There are five steps to build your author website:

  1. Choose a Domain Name.
  2. Signup for a Web Host.
  3. Choose the Right Platform.
  4. Choose an Author Website Theme.
  5. Add Your Content.
  6. Customize with Plugins.

Do I need an author website?

Do authors need an author website? Do writers need an aspiring author website–even if they’re currently unpublished? The short answer is YES. An author website is an essential element of your online presence.

How do I publish my own website?

10 Steps to Building an Author Website

  1. Choose Your Platform.
  2. Register Your Domain Name.
  3. Find a Few Author Websites to Model Yours On.
  4. Install WordPress.
  5. Familiarize Yourself With WordPress.
  6. Choose Your Theme.
  7. Create Your Header.
  8. Add Your Core Pages.

Is Weebly good for writers?

A drag and drop builder is one of the easiest to use when starting a new website, and Weebly makes it simple for authors to get their site up and running quickly.

Where can I publish my writing online?

These online story sharing sites can help you get feedback, fans, and more!

  • Commaful.
  • Wattpad.
  • Figment (RIP)
  • Medium.
  • Smashwords.
  • Archive of our Own.
  • Fanfiction.net.
  • Quotev.

How can I host my website for free?

Best Free Hosting Sites

  1. WordPress.com. WordPress.com is a popular free hosting platform that offers a unique flavor of WordPress.
  2. Wix. Wix is another fully-hosted website builder that offers free website hosting.
  3. Weebly.
  4. GoDaddy Website Builder.
  5. Squarespace.
  6. Google Cloud Hosting.
  7. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

How much does it cost to have a GoDaddy website?

Hosting one website with GoDaddy’s Economy plan costs $2.99 a month the first year, and $7.99 after. For unlimited websites (Deluxe plan), it’s $4.99 per month the first year, and $8.99 after. There are advanced plans (Ultimate and Maximum) with better performance, starting at $16.99 per month after renewal.

How to build a good author website?

First,decide on your website building tools and what services you’ll use (either free or paid).

  • Carefully research and select a website theme or design template.
  • Collect the following assets for your author website.
  • Create the critical informational pages for your author website.
  • Craft your homepage.
  • Customize and personalize your site.
  • What to include on author websites?

    Designing Your Author Website: Ensure a Good First Impression. Your author website is an essential piece to the successful book marketing puzzle,but as always,first impressions matter.

  • About/Bio Page. About pages are among the most frequently visited pages on the internet.
  • Contact Information.
  • Email Sign Up/Updates.
  • Testimonials.
  • Social Media.
  • Why do you need an author website?

    To build a fanbase of people excited about your books

  • To establish your credibility and expertise as an author
  • To connect with your readers
  • To remain up-to-date and competitive in a growing pool of published authors
  • To receive valuable feedback from your readers
  • To provide content for future books and book-related projects
  • Why do I need an author website?

    A handsome, compelling site can put you ahead of the pack by giving you: Instant credibility. Just like dressing your best for a job interview, your professional-looking website puts your best foot forward. A showcase for your work. Your author website becomes your home base, as if you had a corporate headquarters. An opportunity to build a following.

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