What happened u30?

What happened u30?

U-30 went to sea on 22 August 1939, before World War II began. The Athenia was the first ship sunk in World War II; out of 1,400 passengers, 112 of them, including 28 neutral Americans, died. After sinking Athenia, U-30 went on to sink two more vessels, Blairlogie and the SS Fanad Head.

Why did German submarine 126 sink?

6th patrol and loss The submarine was attacked by an aircraft (the source does not give the type), off Freetown on the 15th. The boat was sunk by a Vickers Wellington of No. 172 Squadron RAF, on 3 July 1943, off Cape Ortegal, Spain. There were no survivors from the 55 man crew.

What percentage of German submariners died?

TIL German Submariners had the highest casualty rate of all forces in WWII – 70% died in service.

How many of the German submarines actually survived the war?

It was the German subs that were in perilous waters. Blair attributes to the German historian Axel Niestle the conclusion that of 859 U-boats that set off on war patrols, 648 were lost — 75 percent. Of these, 429 yielded no survivors.

Is the sinking of the Laconia a true story?

Dramatisation of the true story of the sinking of the liner Laconia by a German U-boat in 1942 through the eyes of six survivors.

What happened to the RMS Laconia?

On 12 September 1942, at 8:10 pm, 130 miles (210 km) north-northeast of Ascension Island, Laconia was hit on the starboard side by a torpedo fired by U-boat U-156. There was an explosion in the hold and many of the Italian prisoners aboard were killed instantly.

How many men can be on a U-boat?

The Germans’ most formidable naval weapon was the U-boat, a submarine far more sophisticated than those built by other nations at the time. The typical U-boat was 214 feet long, carried 35 men and 12 torpedoes, and could travel underwater for two hours at a time.

Which U-boat had the most kills?

U-35 alone accounted for 224 ships totaling more than 500,000 tons—most sunk by its deck gun. It averaged nine kills per patrol, making U-35 the highest-scoring submarine of either world war.

Is u571 a true story?

The Movie U-571 is not based on the actual circumstances of the naval career of the German Submarine named U-571. Rather, it is a fictional narrative, loosely based on events involving several different German submarines during World War II, including U-110, U-570, U-559, and U-505.

Did U-boats pick up survivors?

They jumped into the shark-infested waters and swam for the remaining lifeboats as U-156 headed away from the danger zone. Fortunately, just hours later the Vichy French ships arrived and picked up most of the survivors and took them to Dakar, West Africa, from where they were sent to internment camps.

How many people are in a Uboat?

The typical U-boat was 214 feet long, carried 35 men and 12 torpedoes, and could travel underwater for two hours at a time. In the first few years of World War I, the U-boats took a terrible toll on Allied shipping.

Was the Laconia a real ship?

The Laconia, a former Cunard White Star ship put to use to transport troops, including prisoners of war, was in the South Atlantic bound for England when it encountered U-156, a German sub.

What kind of submarine does the German Navy have?

German shipbuilders have recently offered larger, longer-range versions of the 212/214 submarines, the Type 216 and 218. The Type 216 was intended for sale to the Royal Australian Navy, but was passed over in favor of the French Shortfin Barracuda.

How big is a German diesel electric submarine?

Class 212A Germany possesses six of Class 212A diesel-electric attack submarines and all are equipped with air-independent propulsion (AIP) system. These submarines are about 56 meters long with a 7-meter-wide beam and can travel up to 20 knots when submerged. Their weapons systems can fire torpedoes using six 533mm torpedo tubes.

When did the German submarine u212 come out?

The U32 of class U212 was launched in December 2003. Credit: zur freien Verfügung. The U34 of class U212 was commissioned in May 2007. Credit: Bundeswehr-Fotos. The U212 submarine is capable of long-distance submerged passage to the area of operation. The German Navy ordered four of the submarines.

Why was Germany a pioneer in submarine warfare?

Super stealth and super dangerous. The German Navy was a pioneer in large-scale submarine warfare, its U-boats able to contest the United Kingdom’s superior navy in ways that German surface warships could not.

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